Open-access Gaps, goals and conditions for expanding graduate programs in psychology in Brazil

This paper aims to discuss gaps, goals and conditions for the expansion of graduate studies in psychology in Brazil. To this end, based on the assumption that it is necessary to consider the objectives to be achieved, the conditions for predicted or supposed feasibility must be taken into account. It is initially approached the need for expanding graduate studies in psychology. Affirmatively concluding it, different goals and conditions necessary to achieve such expansion are drawn: (a) to proceed in the direction that every State in the country offers graduate programs in the area and that in five years, there are five States with new programs; (b) that the States which already have masters' programs start to have doctorate ones; (c) that the States that only have programs in private higher education institutions may also offer programs in public institutions; (d) that in some States with large territory more micro-regions might be contemplated. To better equip the existing programs with qualified human resources, it is proposed an annual growth of awarded degrees around 10%. Analyzing data from surveys, difficulties of proposing goals based on some gaps in subareas were discussed, one of them is the lack of consensus about what should be a Concentration Area or Line of Research. The goals of Graduate Programs to be met with the types of expansion proposed and the issue of professional master's degrees were discussed and it was proposed the induction of professional master's in existing consolidated programs, up to a limit of 10% of the system (area) in an interval of two years. It is suggested to prioritize the qualification / training of managers and professionals in the field of social policies (health care). Some goals have also been proposed considering the relation between graduate and undergraduate education and the needs indentified in the process of training such professionals. New studies and surveys are needed to update the available data and validate the proposals made in this work.

Graduate Programs; Expansion; Gaps; Goals

Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600 - sala 110, 90035-003 Porto Alegre RS - Brazil, Tel.: +55 51 3308-5691 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
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