Open-access The constitution of intelligence: a psychoanalytical approach

This paper aims to discuss human intelligence in the psychoanalytical perspective, particularly considering the contribution of Silvia Bleichmar who explores how human mind develops the intellectual activity from the embryonic states. It is recognized the contribution of genetic epistemology developed by Jean Piaget which allows to understand the capacity to build symbolic systems from sensory-motor schemes. There is also pointed some convergence between the genetic psychology and the psychoanalytic thought. What is stressed in this article, however, is that the contribution of psychoanalysis about the origins of intelligence has been less studied, although it is of most interest both theoretically and clinically. The theoretical inspiration of the paper relies on Freud's theory but it is more definitely grounded on the French school of Jean Laplanche. It tries to show that to reach the objectivity of logical structures, characterized by the categories of the Aristotelian logic - classification, space, time, causality, denial - the psychism does an active work of mind connection which starts in the first inscriptions of the other sexualized human and has to implant the originary repression, the only one able to organize the logic of the secondary thought. It stresses, at the end, that the contribution about a theory of the origins of psychism, concerning the development of intelligence is of great help in the studies about learning disabilities, as it differentiates learning difficulties due to secondary causes of the disorders which address to the lack of constitution of the ego.

Intelligence; origin; implant of pulsion; originary repression

Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600 - sala 110, 90035-003 Porto Alegre RS - Brazil, Tel.: +55 51 3308-5691 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
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