Open-access Repeatability and reproducibility studies of functional data

This paper presents a method to analyze the performance of measurement systems in a functional data analysis context, based on repeatability and reproducibility (R& R) studies. Functional data are a collection of data points organized as a profile or curve. The method is an alternative to traditional methods that may lead to wrong conclusions when applied to functional data. In the proposed method, hypothesis tests and two-way ANOVA were adapted to be used in measurement system analysis. The method is grounded on the use of the Hausdorff distance to measure the proximity between curves. The method proposed was applied in a simulated repeatability and reproducibility study. The study was structured such that scenarios in which the measurement system was approved and rejected were tested. Results were compared with those obtained applying traditional ANOVA point wise on the curves. The method proposed was named ANOVA of the distances.

Functional data analysis; Measurement systems; R& R studies; ANOVA; Functional ANOVA

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