Open-access Lead time reduction in a capital goods company by means of the implementation of Period Batch Control system

The goal of this work is to present a proposal for the use of the PBC (Period Batch Control), as well as two prerequisites, namely, to change the policy of quality control and creation of a virtual cell, to reduce the lead time in a company which produces capital goods. Case study research is the methodology used in this paper. Expected results of this implementation indicate that the company can obtain significant benefits by the adoption of PBC, such as 46.42% lead time reduction, reduction on WIP (Work In Process) costs in approximately 51.56% and unproductive time in 31%. These promising results can be achieved by companies with similar characteristics. Academically, this work contribute to increase the dissemination of the PBC, a subject in need of research in Brazil.

Production planning and control; Period batch control; lead time reduction

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