Open-access Diagnosis and intervention in medium size companies: a proposal for (re)organization of activities in the Product Development Process

The product development process (PDP) may be defined as the way a company translates ideas and opportunities into products and services. This process demands clearly established phases as well as people and resources management. In the last decade, many reference models for PDP were proposed, presenting improvements and new phases of development, covering aspects ranging from marketing analysis to product discontinuation. Nevertheless, with regard to PDP structuralization, most companies face difficulties in adapting their reality to models presented in the literature. Clearly, a transition function is required to overcome the gap between industrial practices and PDP theoretical models. Based on the literature, as well as on best practices observed in companies from different sectors, this paper presents a method for the structuralization of PDP activities. The proposal focuses on two specific elements: (i) a method for intervention and (ii) a method for activity organization. Together, they represent an effective alternative for medium size companies searching to improve their PDP organization.

Industrial engineering; Product development; Functional integration

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