Open-access Why is it difficult to make the true "Eletronic Government"?

The objective of this paper is to present a framework, which allows to understand the complex and ambiguous phenomenon of the "Electronic Government" (eGovernment) and the different models to understand it. Furthermore, this paper presents the main difficulties of making the true "Electronic Government" and a way to surpass them. In fact, it has some time the use of the ICT, especially "of innovative form", in the Public Administrations received the label of "electronic Government" (eGovernment), giving the impression (if not a illusion) of an authentic jump of quality (in efficiency and effectiveness) in the exercise of government function by different public entities. Actually, in the majority of the cases, and in the best hypotheses, what it happened is only an enhancement in the supply and the exploitation of public services, but not a true improvement of government activities.

Eletronic Government (eGovernment); information technology; public administration

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