Open-access The invisible, dangerous work of maintenance professionals: reflections on activity in the automotive industry

This paper uses ergonomic work analysis to identify the interfering aspects of variability management affected by mechanical and electrical maintenance workers in a press shop area, revealing these workers' conflicting relationships with a company's production, security and engineering areas. Approximations based on the company's existing system of maintenance management, risks and project engineering, with attention given to ease of maintenance, focus the discussion on the importance of professionals' real activity, an aspect often disregarded in these areas. The results of this analysis suggest that the point of view should be changed to account for the maintainer's perspective in the course of action to prioritize, to consider the importance of operations and not just results and to provide improvements to both the company, by increasing reliability facilities, and to professionals, by preserving their health and safety.

Maintenance activities; Maintenance professionals; Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA); Maintenance; Automotive industry

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