Open-access Strategies of mass customization accomplished by brazilian companies

The objective of this paper is the analysis of the strategies of mass customization accomplished by Brazilian companies. Therefore, the research strategy adopted was a multiple-case study, which was undertaken in fifteen companies, comprising ten different divisions of economic activities. Interviews were the main technique for collecting data. The analysis of data, in its turn, took place in two phases: within-case analysis and cross-case analysis. When analyzing the actions undertaken in the customization process of the products and services of the selected companies, it was verified that two strategies stood out: modularity and manufacturing postponement. Furthermore, it was proved that most companies carry out their customization activities in different stages of the value chain, offering the market two customization levels, at least. A continuum was also developed, representing the differences among the degrees of customization of each analyzed company.

Strategies; mass customization; modularity; postponement

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