Open-access The quantitative support necessary for the operation of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

This article investigates the quantitative support necessary for the operation of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM). Initially, ten essential activities for the operation of RCM and quantitative methods that can support such activities were identified in the literature. Next, interviews were conducted in manufacturing companies to verify the use of the methods described in the literature and identify other methods used. As a result, a framework that associates the RCM essential activities with the quantitative methods was created, along with a brief description of each method contribution. Among the quantitative methods identified, probability distributions stood out for supporting various RCM activities. The Economic Engineering and Monte Carlo simulation methods were also emphasized since they enable a more sophisticated analysis related to cost and performance of production systems subjected to maintenance.

Reliability centered maintenance; Quantitative methods; Metallurgical industry; Electronics industry

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