Open-access The role of CITS on the policy on technological development in Paraná state

This article analyses the implications of the software production in Paraná state, which strongly contributes to the expansion of the Sectoral Innovation System. The focus is on CITS - Centro Internacional de Tecnologia de Software (International Centre of Software Technology) and its natural trajectory towards the capability for a radical innovation in a hybrid way. It discusses the integration between the concepts of the National System of Innovation and the Triple Helix (TH) and presents its evolution in Brazil, more specifically in Paraná State (Local System). As a pure expression of the current technological paradigm, the software implies a strong policy on development centred on the generic information technologies because of the revolutionary role that such technologies have exercised on central economies. CITS perfectly fits this new dynamics, establishing a clear strategy for acquisition of competencies and building a network of knowledge at the micro-economic, meso-economic, and macro-economic levels. The evolution of the current phase of CITS is going to imply a strong action from TH.

Knowledge; Software; Local system of innovation; Triple Helix; CITS

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