Open-access Cost-benefit of aircrafts: an approach through Data Envelopment Analysis

The objective of this paper was to apply the operational research technique of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), through the composite index of classic and inverted borders, to evaluate the cost-benefit of civil transport aircrafts. To this end, a) market price, and b) operating costs were used as inputs; and, a) payload, b) cruise speed, and c) maximum reason climb with one engine were used as outputs. To ensure homogeneity of DMUs, the planes were divided according to the propulsion system and in the following categories: regional, narrow-body and wide-body; they were also grouped into different ranges, so that the best cost-benefit for each aircraft could be identified. Results allowed for the following conclusion: the best cost-benefits were found in planes where the production had already been discontinued, but they were not very technologically outdated yet.

Civil transport aircraft; Cost-benefit analysis; Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA; Inverted frontier

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