Open-access Fábricas de subprodutos de origem animal: a importância do balanceamento das cargas dos digestores de vísceras

Factories of flours and oil of by-product or animal origin are in evaluation process and changes. The administrators of the butcher shops, impelled by a competitive and demanding market, cannot concentrate more just in the sections traditionally lucrative (example: special courts). Like this, to generate alternative sources of profit and to combat the pollution of the environment, it's necessary to use the residues. To unite the obligation of not emitting residues that pollute with the opportunity of generating profit, the factory of flours and oil should be standardised perfectly. This paper discusses the subject of the standardisation, with focus in the critical point of the productive system: the digestor. it shows, by means of the application of the diagram of Ishikawa and of practical researches, the main causes that provoke the non regularity in the time of processing of the loads of the digestores.

factories of flours and oil; time of processing; digestor

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