Logomarca do periódico: Production

Open-access Production

Publicação de: Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção
Área: Engenharias Versão impressa ISSN: 0103-6513
Versão on-line ISSN: 1980-5411


Production, Volume: 26, Número: 2, Publicado: 2016

Production, Volume: 26, Número: 2, Publicado: 2016

Document list
An integrated approach of sustainable procurement and procurement postponement for the multi-product, assemble-to-order (ATO) production system Mukherjee, Krishnendu

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Postponement strategy is mainly used to handle the perceived variety and actual variety of product in the most cost effective way. However, postponement strategy has never been used by researchers in procurement to reduce cost and to enhance overall flexibility of the process. This paper gives a new concept of postponement, called procurement postponement, which is considered to be effective for the multi-product, assemble-to-order (ATO) system. A two-stage integrated approach of sustainable procurement and postponement method is proposed for the multi-product ATO production system to deal demand uncertainty, green house gas (GHG) emission, reliability of supply, level of disassembly and social issues of supplier selection with intuitionsitic fuzzy analytic hierarchy (IF-AHP) and multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA). Case study of an Indian company is discussed to use the proposed method by cost-emission-decision matrix.
“Packaging Logistics” for improving performance in supply chains: the role of meta-standards implementation García-Arca, Jesús González-Portela Garrido, Alicia Trinidad Prado-Prado, José Carlos

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Integrated packaging design process arises as one key factor that could contribute to increasing the efficiency and sustainability of supply chains. This approach is called “packaging logistics”. Another managerial approach that is related to efficiency and sustainability is the implementation of “meta-standards” (ISO 9000 and ISO 14000). As both “packaging logistics” and “meta-standards” can contribute positively towards supply chain efficiency and sustainability, it becomes relevant to examine the relationship between them. In this study, we explore the potential relation between “meta-standards” (ISO 9000 and ISO 14000) and the implementation of the key aspects of “packaging logistics”. In addition, we explore the relation between “packaging logistics” and aspects of performance. This is accomplished through an exploratory study of the packaging design process of Spanish manufacturers in the food industry.
Guidelines for the integration of EMS based in ISO 14001 with Cleaner Production Oliveira, José Augusto de Oliveira, Otávio José de Ometto, Aldo Roberto Capparelli, Helena Freitas

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This study aims to propose guidelines for the integration of the Environmental Management System (EMS) based on ISO 14001 with the Cleaner Production (CP). For this, a systematic review was applied and five case studies have been carried out in industrial companies with considerable environmental performance. Located in the state of São Paulo, the researched companies have got CP projects to ensure environmental and economic gains and shown prominent compatibilities with the EMS based on ISO 14001. The proposed guidelines were performed in three parts: the planning stage, the integration stage and the stage of evaluation and analysis. The main compatibilities include dissemination of the environmental culture, synergy between some specific requirements of the standard and the CP, as the general requirements, legal requirements, environmental policy, training, qualification and monitoring. The guidelines can increase operational efficiency and strategic environmental management in enterprises.
A system dynamics approach to logistics outsourcing policies and decisions Franco, Raul Arellano Caldeira Yoshizaki, Hugo Tsugunobu Yoshida Vieira, José Geraldo Vidal

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This paper is based on a revelatory single-case study that uses a system dynamics model to analyze the costs and policies of a distribution logistics outsourcing process (i.e., the warehousing and transportation activities) of a Brazilian consumer packaged goods (CPG) company. The model considers the costs before and after the outsourced operation startup and how these costs influence the net present value (NPV) of the process. The model’s findings suggest policies, such as the reduction of the ex-ante period and the ex-ante reactive and proactive monitoring of operations, to obtain optimal financial results. In addition, the model provides guidelines for the contract lengths and demonstrates that in the outsourcing process, the greatest gains result during periods of low inflation and low interest rates in a stable economy.
Assistive technology and passengers with special assistance needs in air transport: contributions to cabin design Campese, Carina Silva, Talita Naiara Rossi da Silva, Larissa Lunardon Gomes da Figueiredo, Julia Pierre Menegon, Nilton Luiz

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract There has been significant growth in air transport worldwide, as well as in Brazil. However, studies have emphasized that disabled, obese, and elderly passengers face difficulties when using this means of transport. Among these difficulties, issues related to passengers’ own assistive devices, including damage, loss, or the impossibility of using during the entire flight, stand out. Therefore, the present study aims to understand the trends in assistive technology focusing on cabin design. This research is based upon literature review, interviews with manufacturers and research centers, visits to specialized trade fairs, and patent search. The results revealed a great diversity of assistive products, its trends, and an increase in their use, which affect aircraft cabin design, especially in terms of space, access, and stowage of these devices.
Enhancing Organizational Project Management Maturity: a framework based on the value focused thinking model Viana, Joana Coelho Mota, Caroline Maria de Miranda

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Although organizational project management maturity models have been well explored, they have been criticized as being ineffective as firms continue to face difficulties in improving their project management practices. Based on a literature review, an alternative methodology was developed, and the arguments for the proposal were analyzed. The analysis demonstrated the importance of integrating a decision making model to develop initiatives toward project management institutionalization appropriate to the organizational context and strategies. This paper proposes a method for the maturity process supported by a problem structuring model: Value-Focused Thinking. This method integrates a reflective analysis into the maturity evaluation process to provide more efficient action plans. The proposed approach provides a new perspective for assessing and planning organizational project management maturity in terms of concentrating on the alignment with organizational strategies. A case study is presented to illustrate its applicability.
Using multi-state markov models to identify credit card risk Régis, Daniel Evangelista Artes, Rinaldo

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The main interest of this work is to analyze the application of multi-state Markov models to evaluate credit card risk by investigating the characteristics of different state transitions in client-institution relationships over time, thereby generating score models for various purposes. We also used logistic regression models to compare the results with those obtained using multi-state Markov models. The models were applied to an actual database of a Brazilian financial institution. In this application, multi-state Markov models performed better than logistic regression models in predicting default risk, and logistic regression models performed better in predicting cancellation risk.
How to develop technology roadmaps? The case of a Hospital Automation Company Rocha, Giseli Valentim Mello, Carlos Henrique Pereira

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This paper presents the results of research conducted in a hospital automation company. The research examined the importance of innovation and technology management processes for small companies and how these factors can be developed more successfully. The paper proposes the use of a Technology Roadmapping (TRM) method to assist these companies in the management of their technology processes to better understand the economic and social context in which they operate and to better exploit market opportunities. The results show that Technology Roadmapping can assist these companies in management support and technological planning while exploring and sharing the connection between technological resources, organizational goals and environmental changes. This research addresses the lack of studies on conducting TRM and details the importance of the method.
The maturity of rail freight logistics service providers in Brazil Bueno, Adauto Farias Alencar, Luciana Hazin

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This study analyzes the maturity of three rail freight Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) in Brazil in a population of seven operators. After an exploratory review of the existing literature and research documents, a structured questionnaire based on the Supply Chain Capability Maturity Model S(CM)2 was applied. The study measured an overall average level, given in S(CM)2, as Managed, meaning that the managerial development standard of the logistics agents was at an intermediate level. The results showed that maturity was related to the size of the LSP and the complexity of the organizational management. These findings can support the development of policies and strategies for the improvement and adoption of practices that best lead to gains in competitiveness for both LSPs and the Supply Chains (SCs) that require their services.
The contribution of action research in the construction of scientific knowledge in Brazilian Production Engineering Gibertoni, Daniela Araújo Filho, Targino de Menegon, Nilton Luiz

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The main subject of this article is the action research and it has as general objective to describe the construction of knowledge in this field from the uses that Brazilian Production Engineering makes of it, aiming to recognize its contributions, potentials and limits. To achieve this goal, a literature review was carried out for a subsequent contrast with the national academic researches that use action research and show its uses. Identified these similarities, a documentary research was carried out in academic papers published in the National Meeting of Production Engineering (ENEGEP) – from 1996 to 2010. The content analysis was the strategy used for data analysis and NVivo® software was used for its treatment. As a conclusion of the research, it can be stated that the use of action research in the Brazilian Production Engineering distances itself from epistemic precepts associated with it. The results of the action are more highlighted than the reflection on the mechanisms that produced it
Otimização dos custos de energia elétrica na programação da captação, armazenamento e distribuição de água Soler, Edilaine Martins Toledo, Franklina Maria Bragion de Santos, Maristela Oliveira dos Arenales, Marcos Nereu

Resumo em Português:

Resumo O problema abordado neste trabalho consiste na redução dos custos de energia elétrica necessária para o funcionamento de bombas hidráulicas, que são utilizadas para captar água de poços artesianos ou estações de tratamento de água para abastecer reservatórios distribuídos por bairros de uma cidade. A população é então atendida por força gravitacional. Como o custo da energia elétrica varia ao longo do dia, é necessário um planejamento do funcionamento das bombas. O problema consiste em decidir quando as bombas devem permanecer ligadas e quando deve haver transferência de água entre os reservatórios para que a demanda de cada reservatório seja atendida, minimizando os custos com energia elétrica. Este problema é modelado como um problema de programação linear inteira, e uma solução heurística é proposta. Experimentos computacionais mostram a eficiência da heurística e como a abordagem pode ser utilizada para analisar o impacto de alterações na infraestrutura do sistema de abastecimento.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The problem considered in this paper consists of the reduction of electrical energy costs necessary for the operation of hydraulic pumps, which are used to collect water from artesian wells or from a Water Treatment Station to fill water tanks located in many districts of a city. The water is then supplied by gravitational force. Because the cost of electrical energy varies throughout the day, a pump running schedule is necessary. The problem consists of determining when the pumps must be on and when there must be water transfer among tanks to ensure that the demand of each water tank be supplied, thereby minimizing the costs of electrical energy. This problem was modeled as an integer linear optimization problem, and a heuristic solution to the problem is proposed. Computational experiments show the efficiency of the heuristic and highlight how the approach can be used to analyze the impact of changes in the infrastructure of the water supply system.
Uma abordagem sistêmica do processo de produção em engenharia web, na fase de concepção Gonçalves, Rodrigo Franco Gava, Vagner Luiz Fleury, André Leme Pessôa, Marcelo Schneck de Paula Spinola, Mauro de Mesquita

Resumo em Português:

Resumo A produção de aplicações Web apresenta problemas de baixa qualidade nas aplicações desenvolvidas, não cumprimento de prazo e orçamento, e desenvolvimento ad hoc, caótico e desestruturado. Acrescente-se que diferentes disciplinas e áreas do conhecimento, com abordagens e metodologias próprias, estão envolvidas com esse tipo de produção. Uma área do conhecimento denominada Engenharia Web foi criada para enfocar estas questões; entretanto, ainda não está consolidada. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar diretrizes para a definição do processo de produção de aplicações Web, a partir de uma abordagem sistêmica, na qual as diferentes disciplinas, os papéis e as atividades são correlacionados na fase de concepção do projeto. Como método de pesquisa, são utilizados três estudos de caso e duas pesquisas-ação, nos quais diferentes situações particulares são analisadas para a formação de um modelo teórico. O trabalho identifica um espaço de projeto formado pelas dimensões Forma, Função, Informação e Tecnologia, relacionadas às principais disciplinas envolvidas na produção de aplicações Web: Design, Engenharia de Software, Comunicação e Mídia. Conclui-se que, em função do padrão de projeto utilizado, existe um enfoque mais adequado para o processo de produção, orientado por uma ou mais dimensões do espaço de projeto, que permite ao projeto evoluir mais rapidamente a um nível esperado de qualidade.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Web applications production presents problems like low quality; non-compliance with deadline and budget, ad-hoc, chaotic and unstructured process. Moreover, different disciplines and knowledge areas, with particular approaches and methodologies, contribute with this type of production. A particular knowledge area named Web Engineering was developed to focus on these questions; however, it is not consolidated yet. This work aims to present guidelines to the definition of the Web applications production process, from a systemic approach, where the different disciplines, roles and activities are correlated, in the conception phase. The research method utilizes tree cases studies and two action-researches to create a theoretical model through analysis of particular situations. The work identifies a design space formed by the dimensions Form, Function, Information and Technology, related to the main disciplines involved in Web applications production: Design, Software Engineering and Communication & Media. According to the design standard used, it is concluded that there is a best fit for the production process, oriented by one or more dimensions of the design space, allowing a quick evolution of the project to the expected quality level.
Uma proposta para avaliação da sustentabilidade socioambiental utilizando suporte analítico e gráfico Teles, Camila Duarte Dutra, Camila Costa Ribeiro, José Luis Duarte Guimarães, Lia Buarque de Macedo

Resumo em Português:

Resumo Este trabalho apresenta um procedimento para auxiliar as empresas na avaliação da sustentabilidade socioambiental, aspecto que tem se mostrado essencial para a competitividade das mesmas. O procedimento desenvolvido emprega suporte analítico e gráfico para avaliação das dimensões ambiental e social das empresas, considerando tanto o desempenho interno quanto o externo. O desenvolvimento do procedimento contemplou cinco etapas: identificação dos itens de avaliação; organização dos itens em dimensões a serem analisadas; aplicação de questionário; totalização e visualização gráfica dos resultados. O questionário foi aplicado em 12 empresas. Para a visualização gráfica dos resultados, foi utilizado um gráfico radar, no qual os eixos representam as dimensões social, ambiental, interna e externa. As empresas pesquisadas revelaram melhor desempenho socioambiental externo, provavelmente em virtude da preocupação com a sua imagem. Além disso, verificou-se que empresas exportadoras possuem melhor desempenho socioambiental, fato que pode ser oriundo da maior concorrência e exigência do mercado externo.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This paper presents a procedure to assist companies conducting socioenvironmental sustainability evaluations, an aspect that has become essential for competitiveness. The proposed procedure applies analytical and graphical tools to evaluate companies’ social and environmental dimensions, considering internal and external performance. The development of the proposed procedure comprised five steps: identification of evaluation items, organization of items in dimensions to be analyzed, application of questionnaire, summation, and graphical visualization of results. The questionnaire was applied to 12 companies. A radar graphic was employed for results visualization, where vertical axes represent social and environmental dimensions while horizontal axes represent internal and external dimensions. Surveyed companies revealed higher social and environmental performance in the external dimension, probably due to concern with their market image. It was also observed that exporting companies presented superior social and environmental performance, fact that might be attributed to the more rigorous demand of external market.
Dimensionamento e alocação dinâmica de veículos no transporte rodoviário de cargas completas entre terminais Vasco, Rejane Arinos Morabito, Reinaldo

Resumo em Português:

Resumo Este artigo trata do Problema da Alocação Dinâmica de Veículos (PADV) no transporte rodoviário de cargas completas entre terminais, incluindo o dimensionamento da frota adicional necessária para o atendimento de demandas em um horizonte de planejamento multi-períodos e finito. O PADV consiste em definir “movimentos” de uma frota de veículos que realiza viagens entre terminais geograficamente dispersos que interagem entre si. Estes movimentos podem ser: veículos carregados com carga completa, vazios para reposicionamento, ou mantidos em um terminal de um período para outro como provisão para o atendimento de demandas futuras. A ênfase é dada na caracterização do problema em situações reais, na modelagem matemática do problema por meio de programação linear inteira e na solução deste utilizando um pacote comercial de otimização. Os experimentos computacionais realizados indicam que essa abordagem pode ser útil para a solução de problemas encontrados no dia a dia de uma empresa transportadora de carga parcelada no Brasil.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This paper addresses the dynamic vehicle allocation problem (DVAP) involving the road transportation of full loads between terminals, including the determination of the number of additional vehicles required to meet the demand for transportation in a multi-period finite planning horizon. The DVAP consists of defining the “movements” of a fleet of vehicles that transport goods between terminals with a wide geographical distribution and interact among themselves. These movements may be of fully laden vehicles, unladen vehicles used for repositioning, or vehicles held at a terminal to meet future demands. Emphasis is given to the characterization of the problem in real situations, the mathematical modeling of the problem by means of integer linear programming and the use of operational research techniques in solving the problem. The computational experiments conducted indicate that this approach can be useful for the solution of problems encountered in everyday life of a LTL transportation company in Brazil.
Product-service systems em laboratório de análises clínicas: um estudo de caso Pereira, Veridiana Rotondaro Carvalho, Marly Monteiro de Rotondaro, Roberto Gilioli

Resumo em Português:

Resumo Cada vez mais as empresas oferecem soluções completas a seus clientes, com produtos e serviços. Essa mudança na composição do portfólio das organizações vem ocorrendo por uma série de razões, sejam relacionadas às questões estratégicas, motivadas por demandas do cliente, ou ainda por tendências que visam menores impactos ambientais. Este artigo visa contribuir com a literatura existente, adicionando a perspectiva do cliente neste cenário, por meio de um estudo de caso nos laboratórios de um dos principais hospitais da América Latina. Investigou-se a aquisição de equipamentos de análises clínicas, e os resultados mostram uma trajetória evolutiva de implementação do PSS durante as últimas décadas. Como cliente, este laboratório passou por três fases de evolução: primeiro como comprador de equipamentos, depois, numa segunda etapa, como os equipamentos não eram mais de propriedade do laboratório, passaram para contratos de leasing, e no terceiro estágio, para a aquisição de um contrato integrado de PSS, orientado a resultado. Nesta última fase, o laboratório observou vantagens importantes relacionadas tanto ao uso dos produtos quanto ao atendimento a demandas internas. Estas mudanças no processo de compra trouxeram importantes ganhos para o laboratório, como um sistema operacional seguro, a divisão dos riscos com o provedor da solução, suporte técnico especializado.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Increasingly, companies offer complete solutions, which include products and services, to its customers. This change in organizations’ portfolios has been occurring for a number of reasons: strategic issues, customer demands, or even low environmental impact trends. This paper aims to add the customer´s perspective on such a scenario through a case study in the laboratories of one of the major Latin American public hospitals. The acquisition of clinical analysis equipment was investigated; the results show an evolutionary trajectory of PSS implementation during the last decades. As a customer, this laboratory went through three phases of evolution: first, as equipment buyer; second, when equipment was no longer laboratory property, changing to leasing contracts; and third, a new method of purchasing, called the PSS solution. In this third phase, the laboratory observed important advantages related to product use and internal demands. The changes in the purchase process brought important gains to the laboratory, such as a secure operating system, risks shared with the solution provider, and specialized technical support.
Procedimento para implantar um modelo de previsão de demanda com incorporação de julgamento de especialistas Staudt, Francielly Hedler Gonçalves, Mirian Buss Rodriguez, Carlos Manuel Taboada

Resumo em Português:

Resumo As informações do mercado, quando interpretadas pelo especialista e incorporadas na previsão quantitativa de forma adequada, aumentam a acuracidade da previsão final. Entretanto, o julgamento humano pode inserir vieses na previsão e uma forma de evitá-1os é estruturar a incorporação do julgamento. Este artigo apresenta um procedimento estruturado para que as empresas possam implantar um sistema de previsão de demanda considerando a incorporação de julgamento à saída de previsões estatísticas. A utilização do procedimento em uma pequena empresa demonstra a aplicação do método. Na análise dos resultados verificou-se que os ajustes por julgamento reduziram os erros das previsões quantitativas em média em 5%. Além disso, o melhor desempenho dos ajustes ocorreu para o produto com maior variabilidade na série histórica de dados e os maiores ajustes trouxeram os melhores resultados.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract When marketing information is well interpreted and incorporated into a quantitative forecast by an expert, forecast accuracy may be enhanced. However, human judgment might introduce biases into the forecast. One way to avoid these biases is to use structured adjustment approaches. This article presents a procedure to help companies implement a demand forecasting system with a judgmental adjustment of statistical forecasts. The use of this procedure in a small company shows its implementation. The results demonstrated that judgmental adjustments improved quantitative forecast accuracy by an average of 5%. The results also showed that the product with the greatest variability in a time series had the best adjustment performance and that the best outcomes came from the larger adjustments.
Seleção de métodos para modularização no desenvolvimento de produtos: revisão sistemática Sonego, Monique Echeveste, Márcia Soares

Resumo em Português:

Resumo A estratégia de modularização em produtos é mencionada como razão de diversos benefícios para as empresas. Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar na literatura os métodos para desenvolvimento da modularização em produtos com o intuito de avaliar sua aplicabilidade e ferramentas utilizadas, visando facilitar a escolha do método para cada empresa. Para atingir estes objetivos foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de acordo com a repetibilidade e importância indicada nos artigos. Como resultado foram identificados seis diferentes métodos para modularização de produtos. Como contribuição do artigo destacam-se a análise dos métodos com relação às etapas para formação dos módulos (decomposição, integração e avaliação) bem como a análise com relação a parâmetros de classificação quanto à área de atuação de cada método (variedade, geração e ciclo de vida). Por fim, este estudo oferece um guia para as empresas, contextualizando ambientes de aplicação e relacionando conhecimentos necessários para aplicação dos métodos.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The strategy of product modularization is seen as a means to provide several benefits for companies. The objective of this paper is to identify in the literature the methods for developing modularization in products and to assess the applicability of and tools used by these methods, aiming at favoring the method that is the most suitable for each company. To achieve these objectives, a systematic review was performed according to the repeatability and importance described in the papers. Six different methods were identified for product modularization. This paper presents an analysis of the methods in relation to the module formation steps (decomposition, integration and evaluation) and provides an analysis related to classification parameters regarding the field of each method (variety, generation and life cycle). Finally, this study offers guidelines for companies, places application environments into context, and relates the knowledge necessary for applying those methods.
Environmental management maturity of local and multinational high-technology corporations located in Brazil: the role of business internationalization in pollution prevention Maialle, Giovanna Jabbour, Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Arantes, Ariana Fernandes Jabbour, Charbel José Chiappetta

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This paper identifies and characterizes the environmental maturity level of local and multinational high-technology corporations located in Brazil. This characterization is achieved by discussing the adoption of environmental management practices and considering aspects of the productive process stage. An eight-case study was conducted through data triangulation using interviews with employees in diverse organizational areas, direct observations and secondary data. The results indicate the differences in environmental positioning among the studied corporations with a predominance of preventive practices, i.e., an emphasis on eco-efficiency and compliance with legislation. It was also noted that environmental concerns in the corporations are related to internationalization and, in some cases, to the pressure exerted by corporations that represent the brand of the products produced in Brazil. Moreover, the adoption of environmental practices based on the productive process stage supported the environmental maturity classifications of the studied companies.
Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, Travessa 2, 128 - 2º andar - Room 231, 05508-900 São Paulo - SP - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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