Logomarca do periódico: Production

Open-access Production

Publicação de: Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção
Área: Engenharias Versão impressa ISSN: 0103-6513
Versão on-line ISSN: 1980-5411


Production, Volume: 30, Publicado: 2020
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Production, Volume: 30, Publicado: 2020

Document list
Research Article
Extending the POLCA production control system with centralized job release Carmo-Silva, Sílvio Fernandes, Nuno Thürer, Matthias Ferreira, Luís Pinto

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims POLCA is a production control system that forwards to gateway manufacturing cells jobs that arrive to a manufacturing system. However, Workload Control literature shows benefits from using a centralized release pre-shop pool. Thus, the paper aims at investigating the performance impact of incorporating centralized job release into POLCA, in high-variety make-to-order production. Originality This has not been investigated before. Research method Simulation was used for experimentation. Main findings In the case of the general flow shop, a manufacturing system configuration aligned with many real-world production systems, the investigation shows that adding centralized job release to the POLCA system, together with job release based on job workload, leads to a markedly improvement of job delivery performance. Implications for theory and practice The results show theoretical and practical relevance of applying central job release to POLCA system, in high-variety production, due to its markedly positive impact on delivery performance.
Research Article
Simulation-based analysis of lean practices implementation on the supply chain of a public hospital Borges, Gabriela Aline Tortorella, Guilherme Luz Martínez, Felipe Thurer, Matthias

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This article aims to evaluate the impact of Lean Production (LP) practices implementation on the supply chain of a public hospital. Originality Most implementations fall short of their goals because they are done in a fragmented way and not from a system-wide perspective. Our approach allows to anticipate errors of misguided LP implementations in healthcare organizations. Research method The implementation of a set of LP practices in the hospital`s supply chain was assessed by computational simulation modelling, focusing on one of the most financially important product families. Main findings Since the simulation model considers the variability of suppliers and customers as inputs, it allows the verification of the proposed inventory policies effectiveness, in order to avoid affecting the service level. Implications for theory and practice The proposition of a method that integrates value stream mapping into computational simulation modelling brings a differentiated approach to analyze lean implementation in a healthcare supply chain. The simulation model supports a more assertive decision-making process on lean implementation, allowing the organization to ensure that the quality and efficiency of healthcare is not affected.
Research Article
Self-starting single control charts for multivariate processes: a comparison of methods Dogu, Eralp Kim, Min Jung

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Based on challenges faced in real SPC application, this paper considers implementation and performance of self-starting methodology in multivariate process monitoring. Originality Traditional omnibus charts depend on in-control process parameters while parameters are generally known. However, in real settings, this information may not exist. This paper proposes and compares novel methods to overcome this difficulty. Research method This paper introduces, evaluates the performance and implements multivariate self-starting charts (SSMEC, SSMELR, and SSMME) for multivariate process monitoring. Main findings Proposed SSMME chart is the best choice in real application because it proves better performance in response to various simulation scenarios and gives diagnostic tools for further analysis. Implications for theory and practice The main contributions are the comparison of different self-starting approaches and introducing a novel multivariate self-starting chart that are suitable in real process monitoring and illustrate the benefit of the selected SPC chart with hypertension monitoring.
Research Article
A multi-criteria stochastic programming approach for pre-positioning disaster relief supplies in Brazil Brito Junior, Irineu de Leiras, Adriana Yoshizaki, Hugo Tsugunobu Yoshida

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Considering that disaster preparedness is essential for a prompt and effective response, this paper presents a study to locate disaster relief supplies. Originality This paper marks the first time a multi-criteria stochastic methodology addresses humanitarian location problems. Research method We propose a multi methodology approach that employs an optimization model and a multi-criteria decision analysis. Based on logistics costs and penalties assigned for unmet demand, a stochastic model minimizes the total operational cost of opening distribution centers for pre-positioning disaster relief supplies. As decisions in humanitarian operations have multiple criteria and small differences in costs may not be significant by considering other criteria, we perform an analysis of the stochastic model solutions through Multi-criteria Decision Analysis. Main findings The findings show that the stochastics model leads to good results in uncertainty accommodation and that the consideration of qualitative and quantitative criteria improves decisions in humanitarian operations, especially when the supplies available are not enough to meet all the demand requirements. Implications for theory and practice The methodology was used by Civil Defense to locate warehouses for prepositioning relief supplies in Sao Paulo State, Brazil.
Research Article
Open innovation integration to product development: a sector level analysis within the manufacturing industry Marin, Rafael Ortega Kaminski, Paulo Carlos

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims the purpose of this study is to analyze how Open Innovation (OI) activities occur in Product Development Processes (PDP) and in the design of new products. Originality the study is based on a self-developed and conducted survey, applied to engineers and managers working in departments involving product development and innovation among the Brazilian automakers. Research method the method adopted is that of a questionnaire-based survey. Results are analyzed through a principal component analysis, followed by ordinary least squares regressions, in order to test the hypotheses proposed. Main findings results suggest that inbound practices were more present than outbound practices, with a strong presence of the supplier in the design process (and not so much of a user-centered approach). Correlation between an organizational culture that favors OI and adoption to newer PDP methods and tools indicate that adopting newer product development methodologies and technologies could lead to a more “open” design process. Implications for theory and practice the research provides an overview of open innovation within the Brazilian automakers, and reports what could be opportunities for the automotive industry to head towards.
Research Article
Analysis of hospital flow management: the 3 R’s approach Gayer, Bruna Dones Marcon, Érico Bueno, Wagner Pietrobelli Wachs, Priscila Saurin, Tarcisio Abreu Ghinato, Paulo

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This article aims to study the logistics problems in Brazilian hospitals through Lean methods, approaching different aspects of logistics and the procedures adopted in health institutions such as receiving, storage and transporting. Originality The rising of hospitals’ costs is importantly impacted by hospital logistics. They are caused by aspects such as unstandardized processes and inadequate layout and equipment in critical stages of logistic operations. However, these problems are rarely addressed in literature. Research method We developed, through Design Science Research and lean tools, a model based on route, rhythm and routine (3 R’s) that enables the identification of logistics problems. Main findings Hospitals present complex logistic operations. The application of the model developed identified improvement opportunities due to unnecessary activities, lack of space and infrastructure, and lack of standardized procedures. These findings enable improvements in operations and a better comprehension of the factors that impact the processes of internal logistics. Implications for theory and practice The model provides a comprehensive view of the logistical process, its stages and aspects of improvement. Therefore, hospital managers can better identify and address logistical problems directly at non-value adding activities. Adaptations may be required due to the healthcare environment specificities.
Research Article
Diffusion of operational capabilities knowledge: The social skills perspective Biazzin, Cristiane Sacomano Neto, Mario Candido, Silvio Eduardo Alvarez

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims to understand how the social skill of managers influence the diffusion of operational capabilities in food and auto parts manufacturing networks. Originality There are taken-for-granted beliefs that its diffusion is based on replicating or transferring resources and practices from one site to another. This study is one of the first ones to discuss operational capability and socially skilled actors. Research method Two polar cases were analyzed through the Strategic Action Fields perspective based on a qualitative perspective and 17 in-depth interviews. Main findings Results demonstrate that diffusion of capability among various actors in subsidiaries will depend on a series of multidimensional factors that influence this process as the stability, state, and relationship between fields. Moreover, members tend to adopt a logic (perception of the world) that reflects the point of view of the group, and from this, the actors construct their narratives, recognize the legitimacy and justify their actions. Implications for theory and practice These perspectives have scarcely been explored in Operations management till today and shall open a new dialogue between Operations Strategy and Organization Studies. It offers practical guidance for diffusing and deploying operational capabilities.
Research Article
Method for assessing the obsolescence of manufacturing equipment based on the triple bottom line Schlickmann, Marcelo Niehues Ferreira, João Carlos Espíndola Pereira, Abner do Canto

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper proposes a method for the assessment of equipment obsolescence, which includes the economic, environmental and social dimensions that compose the triple bottom line. Originality This paper describes a novel method that allows a complete evaluation of the state of use of a machine, besides the traditional economic-functional analysis, as well as its application in a large electric machines manufacturing company. Research method Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) multicriteria analysis is used, allowing a comparative and flexible assessment of the equipment. Main findings Even if there is no economic justification for replacing the equipment considering the financial return on investment, the machine can be considered obsolete from a sustainable point of view, due to its inadequate environmental and social performance. Implications for theory and practice Applying sustainability concepts in the manufacturing environment, more precisely in the machines on the shop floor, is very important to ensure cleaner production.
Research Article
Economic and environmental sustainability dimensions of a fashion supply chain: A quantitative model Bottani, Eleonora Tebaldi, Letizia Lazzari, Isabella Casella, Giorgia

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aim The paper presents a model to assess the economic and the environmental sustainability dimensions of a fashion supply chain and tests it on a company. Originality The gap intended to fill is the lack of models in this context having this purpose, and, in general, the necessity to develop models and metrics allowing to quantitatively assess the economic and environmental dimensions of supply chains. Research method The fashion supply chain has been divided into five processes. Hence, an analytic model was developed by considering the total costs incurring in each process (economic evaluation), and the annual kilograms of CO2 emitted (environmental perspective). The model was then applied to a case study. Data was obtained from interviews with the management. Main findings Results show that from the economic perspective supply impacts the most, while from the environmental one the most polluting activity is production. Implications for theory and practice The model is easy to apply and to understand and allows to identify the activities in the supply chain where the majority of costs/emissions are generated. It is therefore expected to be useful for undertaking operational decisions aimed at decreasing the economic or environmental impact of a fashion supply chain.
Research Article
Comparison of selection and combination strategies for demand forecasting methods Bandeira, Saymon Galvão Alcalá, Symone Gomes Soares Vita, Roberto Oliveira Barbosa, Talles Marcelo Gonçalves de Andrade

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims In this study, effective strategies to combine and select forecasting methods are proposed. In the selection strategy, the best performing forecasting method from a pool of methods is selected based on its accuracy, whereas the combination strategies are based on the mean methods’ outputs and on the methods’ accuracy. Originality Despite the large amount of work in this area, the actual literature lacks of selection and combination strategies of forecasting methods for dealing with intermittent time series. Research method The included forecasting methods are state-of-the-art approaches applied to industrial and academics forecasting problems. Experiments were performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed strategies using a spare part data set of an industry of elevators and a data set from the M3-Competition. Main findings The results show that, in most cases, the accuracy of the demand forecasts can be improved when using the proposed selection and combination strategies. Implications for theory and practice The proposed methodology can be applied to forecasting problems, covering a variety of characteristics (e.g., intermittency, trend). The results reveal that combination strategies have potential application, perform better than state-of-the-art models, and have comparable accuracy in intermittent series. Thus, they can be employed to improve production planning activities.
Research Article
Dynamic capabilities for sustainable innovation: the case of a footwear company in Brazil Rodrigues, Bruna Cavalcanti Barros Gohr, Cláudia Fabiana Calazans, Álvaro Marques Borges

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims to investigate which dynamic capabilities are responsible for sustainable innovation. Originality Based on the literature review, we propose a theoretical framework that relates dynamic capabilities to sustainable innovation (considering triple bottom line perceptive), regarding product, process marketing, and organizational innovations typologies. Research method The framework was applied in this research through a case study method in two plants of a large footwear company that operates in the Northeastern region of Brazil. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews, observation, and company documents. Main findings The company developed sustainable innovation focusing on processes and products. The economic aspect of sustainability has a strong influence on these innovations, followed by the environmental aspect. The technological and resource integration are the most critical capabilities. Implications for theory and practice The paper contributes to understanding how DCs are deployed to boost sustainable innovation regarding the product, process, marketing, and organizational innovations typologies. Recognizing which DCs are necessary for sustainable innovation is a first step in being able to manage better and enhance sustainability considering the TBL perspective.
Research Article
What are the key determinants of maintenance performance? Darestani, Soroush Avakh Ganji, Mandana Imannezhad, Rana

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The main objective of the research is to present a combination of fuzzy decision-making techniques to measure the performance of preventive maintenance systems. Originality This research is a timely response to studying the prominent role of preventive maintenance performance in reducing cost, profitability, and overall organization’s output. Research method This study considers the application of “fuzzy DEMATEL” and ANP techniques for measuring maintenance performance and determining the causal relationships between the criteria and sub-criteria. Main findings It is conjectured that functional and technical criteria, along that with individual and the environmental are of great importance. Among the sub-criteria, employee satisfaction, growth and learning, availability of machinery and equipment, quality of maintenance by the skilled and highly-trained workforce, deem to be the most important ones. Implications for theory and practice The application of the decision techniques and the proposed measurement model for continuous improvement and promotion of maintenance performance.
Research Article
Prioritization of occupational health and safety indicators using the Fuzzy-AHP method Ferrari, Guilherme Neto Leal, Gislaine Camila Lapasini Galdamez, Edwin Vladimir Cardoza Souza, Rodrigo Clemente Thom de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims to assist and facilitate decision-making in health management and work safety by the identification and prioritization of occupational health and safety indicators. Originality This research contributes to the literature by demonstrating the applicability of multicriteria tools to solve health and safety-related issues on organizations and also some implications related to this method. Research method The methodological approach is the application of the Fuzzy AHP method for prioritization of categories of occupational health and safety indicators. Main findings The results show that the category of indicators called “Occupational Health and Safety Management” was considered the most relevant, followed by the categories “Accidents and Diseases” and “Risk Assessment”. Implications for theory and practice For the application of the Fuzzy AHP method it is necessary to compare the level of importance between objects. Collecting these assessments can be difficult. In this paper, more than forty companies were reached but only six responded and only two responses were valid.
Research Article
Formulating and clarifying the research topic: insights and a guide for the production management research community Wintersberger, Daniel Saunders, Mark

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To provide guidance on formulating and clarifying research questions from abstract and broad ideas. Originality Reports of empirical research invariably offer limited insights on the opaque process of developing research questions, aims and objectives. Moreover, we are not aware of a similar discussion within this journal, as well as other management journals. Research method This is a theoretical paper. Main findings Among other factors, our discussion highlights the role of theory and self-reflection in the process of research topic refinement. We consider the nature and types of theoretical contribution a research project can make, highlighting some common reasons why journal submissions are often rejected due to failure to provide a theoretical contribution. Implications for theory and practice Greater reflexivity in this process should ultimately lead to clearer theoretical contributions and more manageable research topics, with greater practical and societal relevance.
Research Article
A fuzzy AHP approach to select suppliers in the Brazilian food supply chain Ramos, Mayra Oliveira Silva, Eliciane Maria da Lima-Júnior, Francisco Rodrigues

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This research proposes to apply the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process method for the supplier’s selection in a Brazilian food company. Originality It is the first time that food security has been incorporated as a first-level criterion in a process of selecting suppliers in a Brazilian food chain. Research method Practical application was carried out in a food company located in Brazil. Main findings Safety is the most important criteria when selecting a supplier, which ended up reflecting the placement of Supplier 3 as the best rated. Implications for theory and practice This research provides the first practical application of a hybrid mathematical technique in the process of selecting suppliers in a Brazilian food chain, evaluating the Food Security criterion on an equal basis with the others, and not as a sub criterion. The model can help managers better understand their suppliers' capabilities and performance.
Research Article
Production Engineering Competencies in the Industry 4.0 context: Perspectives on the Brazilian labor market Bischof-dos-Santos, Christiane Oliveira, Elisandreia de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims With its focus on Production Engineering, the advent of Industry 4.0 is increasingly changing the way things are done. In order to further the knowledge regarding this context as well as understand to what extent Brazil is prepared for digital transformation, this study has a twofold aim: 1) to provide a comprehensive conceptualization on competencies currently required for production engineers working in Brazilian manufacturing industries and, 2) to verify if these competencies are aligned with those established by the Brazilian Ministry of Education for engineering schools. Originality Competencies and skills currently required for production engineers have not been described and researched on a comparable in-depth level before. Research method Initially, a content analysis was conducted in order to compile the main competencies in Production Engineer job listings. Next, a chi-square analysis was performed to assess relationships between compiled competencies. Main Findings The results show that companies are increasingly requiring soft competencies beyond technical expertise, in particular, communication skills. Implications for theory and practice Academicians, educators, as well as policy makers and industry leaders can benefit from the information provided in this study.
Systematic Review
The key aspects of procurement in project management: investigating the effects of selection criteria, supplier integration and dynamics of acquisitions Buzzetto, Rafael Rossi Bauli, Mariana Rodrigues Carvalho, Marly Monteiro de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study aims to identify the key aspects of procurement in the Project Management context and their relation to project success. Particularly, the effects of selection criteria, supplier integration and the dynamics of acquisitions are investigated. Originality This study contributes to the literature by analysing in depth a large sample of articles that deal with procurement in the Project Management context. This study also presents implications for practice by exploring how procurement management affects project success. Research method The methodological approach is a systematic literature review, combining bibliometrics and content analysis. Main findings The results show that academic literature focuses on the dynamics of acquisitions, lacking studies on the spectrum of supplier integration and supplier selection criteria. A strong relationship between the dynamics of acquisitions and project success dimensions could be established. Several insights into this relationship can be pointed out, as the effect of synergy with suppliers on the success dimension related to impact on the team. Implications for theory and practice The study contributes by identifying the relationship between the selection criteria, levels of supplier integration and dynamics of acquisitions with project success. Possible research gaps and trends are presented for future research.
Systematic Review
Capital budgeting: a systematic review of the literature Michelon, Paula de Souza Lunkes, Rogério João Bornia, Antonio Cezar

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The purpose of this article is to identify the research opportunities in capital budgeting. Originality This research contributes to the literature by providing a methodology where researchers can potentially identify gaps from budgeting according to the existing scientific literature and contributes to the engineering management practice by to identifying the difficulties found by engineering managers that interfere in the capital budgeting process. Research method It was used the Knowledge Development Process-Constructivist (Proknow-C) tool that can researchers potentially identify gaps from budgeting according to the existing scientific literature. It then explicitly define the frontiers of knowledge and possible opportunities to follow when investigating the field. Main findings Capital budgeting is not shown as a macro research area for the researchers. Few authors have developed research with the same scopes or few of them still research on the theme. Implications for theory and practice The academy advocates that capital budgeting has a key role in business management and, therefore, managers have to use more sophisticated analysis practices. Organizations should seek professionals with experience in capital projects appraisal and who are familiar with and knowledgeable in the use of adequate practices for decision-making.
Systematic Review
An overview of big data analytics application in supply chain management published in 2010-2019 Ghalehkhondabi, Iman Ahmadi, Ehsan Maihami, Reza

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study reviews the available literature regarding big data analytics applications in supply chain management and provides insight on topics that received a good deal of attention and topics that still require investigation. This review considers the expansion of big data analytics in supply chain management from 2010 to 2019. Originality Beyond displaying the increasing frequency of using big data analytics in supply chain management, the authors also aim to develop a useful categorization of applying business analytics in supply chain management and define opportunities for future research in the field. Research method This paper briefly discusses big data applications in supply chain management. Four common steps in review papers are performed: collecting articles (Thomson Reuters Web of Science), descriptive analysis, defining categories, and evaluating the material. Main findings According to both information technology development trends and the availability of data, more companies are using big data analytics in their supply chains. About 60% of the research on big data applications in supply chain management were published after 2017. These publications have increasingly focused on big data applications in predictive analysis, rather than in the other three types of data analysis: descriptive analysis, diagnostic analysis, and prescriptive analysis. Implications for theory and practice This review shows that the collected data by many companies can be analyzed using big data analytics methods to develop the business growth plan, market direction forecast, manufacturing process simulation, delivery optimization, inventory management, and marketing and sales processes, among many other activities in a supply chain. The number of articles using case studies in the literature is greater than the number of theoretical publications. This shows that big data analytics has now been properly developed for practical applications, rather than just being a theoretical concept.
Systematic Review
Analysis of new approaches used in portfolio optimization: a systematic literature review Milhomem, Danilo Alcantara Dantas, Maria José Pereira

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To do a comprehensive review of the exact and heuristic methods, software/programming languages, constraints, and types of analysis (technical and fundamental) used to solve the portfolio optimization problem. Originality The paper presents a useful discussion on aspects of portfolio optimization, both for researchers and investors and for finance professionals. Research method A systematic literature review was performed, and the articles were compiled according to pre-established criteria/filters. Main findings A point of attention should be given to the input data of optimization models. Depending on the degree of the estimation error of these input parameters, the optimization results may be lower than the results of the 1/N trading strategy. Implications for theory and practice Robust optimization, Fuzzy logic, and prediction are examples of techniques used to reduce estimation errors. At the end of the article are pointed out trends and some gaps for future work.
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics
Method to assess the atmospheric pollutant emissions generated by railway track maintenance Araujo, Jéssica Ferrari Damascena, Thainá Fardin Rosa, Rodrigo de Alvarenga Pires, Patrício José Moreira Carvalhaes, Bernardo Bicalho Caliman, Rafaella Ribeiro

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Propose a method to calculate and evaluate the pollutants emissions generated by the track maintenance process considering the life cycle of the three components: ballast, sleepers and rail. Originality After the literature review, we did not find any published research that quantifies, in an integrated way, the atmospheric pollutants emissions generated by the track maintenance process considering each component life cycle. Research method The proposed method was based on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. The method was applied to Vitória-Minas Railway (EFVM) using its own data and data from its suppliers. Main findings Results show that production and delivery is the phase that emits more because of the distance from the supplier to EFVM. Two maintenance locations were tested to evaluate the impact of maintenance distance in the emissions. Several analyses were done for each pollutant emission in each phase. Implications for theory and practice The method can be used by any railway, helping managers to adopt more sustainable strategies.
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics
Towards a contribution to sustainable management of a dairy supply chain Ferreira, Felipe Ungarato Robra, Sabine Ribeiro, Priscilla Cristina Cabral Gomes, Carlos Francisco Simões Almeida Neto, José Adolfo de Rodrigues, Luciano Brito

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The paper proposes an enhancement to a focal company in the dairy supply chain, in order to support sustainable performance. Originality The authors conclude that previous life cycle assessment (LCA) studies did not recommend for dairy supply chain or use this approach to assess the environmental impacts in this chain. Research method A cradle-to-gate attributional life cycle assessment (LCA) study performed in a focal company and considering its transport and processing stages, and three scenarios were proposed as suitable. Main findings The impacts derive from energy use and transportation of feedstocks, and the use of cleaning products and certain types of packaging materials. A decrease of 46.5% of the impact in the photochemical oxidant formation category was achieved. Implications for theory and practice The results can identify the different impacts throughout the dairy chain associated with the main product’s life cycle, and the possibility of mitigating them.
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics
Using FITradeoff in a ranking problem for supplier selection under TBL performance evaluation: An application in the textile sector Rodrigues, Lorena Vieira Santos Casado, Ramon Swell Gomes Rodrigues Carvalho, Edinalva Nogueira de Silva, Maisa Mendonça Silva, Lúcio Camara e

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper proposes a multicriteria decision approach for supplier selection using a multicriteria method based on Flexible and Interactive Tradeoff (FITradeoff) elicitation process, within the ranking problematic perspective. Originality This paper develops a framework integrating the results of VFT (Value-Focused Thinking) method with the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) dimension and the veto concept to improve the decision process within a multicriteria perspective. Research method This study provides a case study in a textile company in Campina Grande, northeast Brazil using data mainly from semi-structured interviews. It also employs quantitative techniques based on problem structuring methods and multicriteria decision making. Main findings The VFT helped in identifying criteria that are not yet explored by the company, and in structuring the decision problem of how incorporate and balance the TBL dimensions. The recommendation obtained by using the proposed multicriteria decision framework is different from the group of suppliers currently used by the company. Implications for theory and practice Clarify and identify different objectives and to specify the consequences of a decision problem, allowing the Decision Maker (DM) to obtain and prioritize an economic and sustainable solution for a given number of suppliers to be selected, saving his time and effort.
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics
Sustainability Assessment of logistics activities in a dairy: An example of an emerging economy Satolo, Eduardo Guilherme Campos, Renan Stenico de Ussuna, Guilherme de Andrade Simon, Alexandre Tadeu Mac-Lean, Priscilla Ayleen Bustos Braga Júnior, Sérgio Silva

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The objective of this paper is to evaluate the economic, social, and environmental impacts of logistics activities of a dairy producer located in Brazil. Originality The main contribution is to apply a quantitative approach to assessing sustainable logistics in the milk supply chain, serving as a basis for future work on this theme. Research method A single case study of a regional producer of dairy products in Brazil is carried out in this research. A sustainable logistics evaluation model was used that quantitatively measures the impact of transportation, storage (including inventory management and material handling activities), packaging, and acquisition activities in the economic, environmental, and social dimensions. Main findings It illustrates the challenge that a Small Medium Enterprise (SME) will have to expand its logistics actions, aiming to generate benefit to the consumer because of actions in the economic, environmental, and social dimensions. Implications for theory and practice This research expands the literature, as it brings together topics such as sustainability, logistics, supply chain, and agribusiness. The baseline is in the case study with quantitative data that allows us to answer the question of how to be sustainable now, rather than waiting for supply chains to do it first so we can discover it.
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics
The impact of lean and green practices on logistics performance: a structural equation modelling Rodrigues, Helena Sofia Alves, Wellington Silva, Ângela

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This research has two main objectives, firstly to analyze the level of implementation of lean and green practices of a set of companies and secondly to analyze the relationship between lean and green initiatives in an industrial context. Originality The use of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) allows a better analysis of the interlinkage of lean and green towards sustainable gains. The developed model offers conceptual contribution to the arena of the logistics, sustainability, lean and green. Research methods The methodology used in this study was carried out resorting an inquiry. Firstly, aiming to understand the level of these practices (lean and green) practices in the North of Portugal, a case study was considered. The sample taken is a convenient one, due to time and budget constraints. Secondly, in order to assess the possibility to combine lean ad and green initiatives, a statistical approach was used to develop a SEM for lean and green practices. Main findings The results demonstrated that the level of implementation of lean and green practices on Portuguese companies are not properly addressed and formalized. The statistical analysis also showed that lean environmental practices and green practices are positively associated. The research showed that lean and green has also a positive impact on the logistics processes of companies. Implications for theory and practice This research brings some contributions to both academy and companies. Firstly, a further discussion about the benefits of combining lean and green towards sustainability. Secondly, the development of a structural model for lean and green practices was presented, this model contributes to a better understanding of these practices, which can lead companies to develop strategic initiatives towards sustainability.
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics
Preliminary study for implementation of voluntary delivery points of expanded polystyrene: a case in southern Brazil Kerber, Jaqueline Carneiro Souza Júnior, Henrique Rogério Antunes de Hassemer, Maria Eliza Nagel Bouzon, Marina

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The purpose of the study is to present a proposal for implementation of Voluntary Delivery Points (VDP) of expanded polystyrene (EPS) in Florianópolis city, Brazil. Originality Transportation, uncertainty of financial return, and lack of population's awareness are barriers for EPS recycling. This paper seeks to overcome these difficulties to give a better destination for EPS other than landfill. A method is proposed for the implementation of VDP to receive this type of waste. As far as the authors know, no previous research has proposed this analysis for Styrofoam® RL. Research method The research method consists of a survey application with the population and spatial analysis using heat maps of the public equipment on QGIS® software. Main findings It was possible to verify the generation capability of EPS waste in Florianópolis, the lack of population’s awareness about EPS recycling, and suitable points for the implementation of VDP to aid in the RL. Implications for theory and practice This paper seeks to encourage researchers and practitioners to develop solutions for EPS RL. The main contribution of this article is presenting a practical alternative method that aims to overcome one of the main barriers of EPS RL, which is low-density waste transportation, dealing with consumer's responsibility for the waste generated, their awareness on the issue and their active contribution to a proper destination of EPS waste.
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics
Comparative analysis between transportation modes for sustainability perspective in one metropolitan region of southern Brazil Lerman, Laura Visintainer Koefender, Amália Benitez, Guilherme Brittes Lima, Mateus José do Rêgo Ferreira Frank, Alejandro Germán

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The objective is to make a comparative analysis between different transportation modes used in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre and to analyze its performance in relation to time, cost and carbon emissions. Originality Investigation of the urban mobility situation on the perspective of sustainability in a Latin American city, including the analysis of Uber pool, implemented in November 2018 in the metropolitan region analyzed. Research method A case study was carried out in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, as well as the definition of 4 different routes used as unit of analysis for different types of transportation modes. Main findings Riding bicycle is a very convenient transportation mode in terms of its environmental perspectives and costs. However, the time of locomotion using bicycle is superior in relation to other modes of transportation. Therefore, riding a private car still stands out in the comparisons between different types of transport, since it is a faster mode of transportation. Implications for theory and practice As riding bicycle is a very convenient transportation mode, we highlight the importance of encouraging its use. People can benefit from practicing physical exercise while moving from one place to another and also benefit the environment from lowering carbon emissions.
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics
Sustainability in bicycle sharing systems: evidences of travel mode choice changings in Rio de Janeiro Vieira, Yesus Emmanuel Medeiros Francisco, Fábio de Rezende Silva Júnior, Orivalde Soares da Bandeira, Renata Albergaria Leal, Jose Eugenio

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study aims to analyze the travel behaviors changings and the emissions reduction of CO2, CO, NOx and Particulate Matter (PM) promoted by the bicycle sharing system in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Originality The bicycle sharing systems have been experiencing rapid development in recent years, however, few empirical studies explore comprehensively the externalities of bicycle sharing, seeking to quantify the impacts of this travel system type on urban transport. Research method The research method used a modal distribution model calibrated with stated preference interviews and travel data provided by Tembici company. Main findings Results indicated a reduction in 2018 CO2 emissions compared to the existing system in 2014, not only because of the increase in the bicycle sharing system offer, but also due to a higher transfer rates from motorized transport to bicycle, particularly those originated from public transport and Transportation Network Company (TNC) services. Implications for theory and practice Results reveal the bicycle sharing in the city of Rio de Janeiro should be understood as a part of a process of adopting multimodality, with effective reductions achieved by the incentive to change passenger’s travel behavior.
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering
Production engineers profiling: competences of the professional the market wants Cordeiro, Flávia Roesler Paslauski, Carolline Amaral Wachs, Priscila Tinoco, Maria Auxiliadora Cannarozzo

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Identify the differences in the competences of the production engineering alumni and the importance attributed to it by the job market. Originality This is funded on investigating the gap between the competences the academy and the job market attribute to the professional of production engineering. Research method A questionnaire with production engineers was conducted to collect data that was analyzed using descriptive and predictive quantitative methods. Main findings Soft skills have higher importance to the job market but are the less addressed by universities. Professional competence importance is dependent on the sector. The skills with the higher gaps are associated with the constant transformation of industries and the increasing complexity of decision-making. Implications for theory and practice Theory should adopt a strategic orientation to guide the prioritization of competences and practice must adapt selection mechanisms to test for soft skills and customize it to the professional sector.
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering
Building up a national network of applied R&D institutes in an emerging innovation system Kohl, Holger Will, Markus Prim, Marcelo Fabricio Pavim, Alberto Xavier

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims at answering the research question “How to successfully build up and strategically manage a new network of applied R&D in Brazil?” Originality The paper is based on a unique experience of a strategic partnership, transferring the experiences of managing the largest network of applied research in Europe to the Brazilian National Innovation System (NIS). Research method The research described in this paper follows an action research approach, using a participative process of rapid prototyping, pilot tests and continuous revision and adaptation. Main findings The paper presents a comprehensive and consistent set of management models, procedures and tools for the planning, implementation and evaluation of applied R&D institutes. Implications for theory and practice The paper’s findings contribute to the empirical research on methodologies to manage knowledge-based networks and innovation actors at the interface between research and industry.
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering
IoT and BDA in the Brazilian future logistics 4.0 scenario Correa, Jobel Santos Sampaio, Mauro Barros, Rodrigo de Casto Hilsdorf, Wilson de Castro

Resumo em Português:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims to identify the degree of interest and expected return time on investment in Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) technologies by Brazilian logistics companies. Originality A logistics system that meets the requirements imposed by Industry 4.0 is known as Logistics 4.0. According to the current scientific literature, IoT and BDA technologies are the most promising for the Logistics 4.0 applications. Studies on the adoption of these technologies in Brazil are still embryonic and this paper collaborates to narrow this knowledge gap. Research method Exploratory research was conducted using the quantitative approach. Main findings The evidence of the interest in investment in IoT and BDA by Brazilian logistics companies, confirming the current literature. Implications for theory and practice The identification of the intended practical applications for Iot and BDA, as well as the expected difficulties in the implementation of these Technologies.
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering
Decision-making trends in quality management: a literature review about Industry 4.0 Goecks, Lucas Schmidt Santos, Alex Almeida dos Korzenowski, André Luis

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Due to the scarcity of research on current scenarios of quality management in the 21st century, this article addresses the concepts of big data and Industry 4.0 for decision-making in quality control. Originality This article contributes to completing categorizations and answering questions that have been previously suggested. Research method This study presents a systematic literature review and qualitative data. The methodological framework shows the process of the selection and review of articles according to their alignment with the objective of the study. Main findings Seventeen articles were selected to structure the study and were classified according the categories presented in the literature. The vast majority of the research gaps pointed out in previous review have been filled since their publication. Implications for theory and practice In addition, this article presents new gaps to be filled and complements the literature and concepts about quality management and Industry 4.0.
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering
Prospects for using gamification in Industry 4.0 Reis, Ana Carla Bittencourt Silva Júnior, Everaldo Gewehr, Brenda Baumann Torres, Mateus Halbe

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study aims to analyze the main applications of gamification in the industry, identifying its benefits and challenges, and to understand how game techniques are impacting the formation of engineers. Finally, the main perspectives of the use of gamification in the Industry 4.0 are presented. Originality The scientific literature was analyzed to infer practical applications, challenges, benefits and perspectives that can guide the implementation of gamification in Industry 4.0, aiming to help professionals and researchers to take better advantage of this approach and propel this new phase of the industry. Research method A literature review was conducted on the use of gamification in the industry. Main findings In this article, eleven aspects that must be taken into consideration during the application of gamification in the industries were observed. Five perspectives/situations of Gamification use were raised, namely: in the servitization; in learning and training; as a tool to increase intrinsic motivation; introducing new technologies and products; and innovation and flexibility. Implications for theory and practice This study systematically brings together the main approaches to gamification and its applications in the current industry scenario. In addition, this work contributes to the process of designing and implementing gamification in the industry.
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering
Virtual and augmented reality application in production engineering teaching-learning processes Anjos, Fernando Elemar Vicente dos Rocha, Luiz Alberto Oliveira Silva, Débora Oliveira da Pacheco, Rodrigo

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Structure virtual and augmented reality applications in engineering teaching-learning processes, with emphasis on production engineering, highlighting application gaps. Originality First studies that, to which subjects applied virtual and augmented reality in engineering teaching-learning processes, the gaps of application in production engineering, and a discussion about the impacts. Research method The research method applied was the systematic literature review. Main findings Structuring of virtual or augmented reality applications in engineering, discussion about the application in production engineering, opportunities for future research, how low application affects graduated professional education, consequently, organizational competitiveness. Implications for theory and practice The applications of virtual and augmented reality bring developing student skills more actively and cognitively, making training more complete, increasing their skills, and supporting the competitiveness of organizations through professionals who can contribute more broadly and effectively.
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering
Critical success factors-based taxonomy for Lean Public Management: a systematic review Caiado, Rodrigo Goyannes Gusmão Carocha, Daniel Michilini Goulart, Adriana Karla Tortorella, Guilherme Luz

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims to critically review the Lean-based methodologies (e.g. Lean production, Lean Six Sigma, and lean government) in Public Administration to locate the critical success factors (CSFs) for lean public management implementation. Originality It is one of the first systematic literature reviews to explore the CSFs of Lean-based methodologies in the public sector with a strategic focus on the l-government. Research method This research is based on a systematic review of 83 articles that were published on Lean-based methodologies in public sector organizations in well-known academic databases. Main findings There were identified 28 CSFs, grouped by a taxonomy of five significant lean public management categories that deal with the spread of Lean-based methodologies in different public sector environments and can be used to guide continuous improvement (CI) in the public sector. Implications for theory and practice This paper can provide a better panorama to understand the present status of Lean-based methodologies towards public practices, as well as, to bridge the gap of a systematic approach (taxonomy) that could direct CI implementation in the public sector, considering a proper understanding of distinct public management characteristics, which can effectively guide practitioners, facilitating their decision-making.
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering
A decision support tool for operational planning: a Digital Twin using simulation and forecasting methods Santos, Carlos Henrique dos Lima, Renan Delgado Camurça Leal, Fabiano de Queiroz, José Antonio Balestrassi, Pedro Paulo Montevechi, José Arnaldo Barra

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Propose a continuous decision support system, a Digital Twin, integrating two widely used techniques, Discrete Event Simulation and forecasting methods. Originality With the evolution of the industry, there is a growing need for increasingly agile and assertive decision support systems. Also, familiar tools and techniques tend to change over time to suit such a scenario, supporting new researches on their use in the modern industry. Research method The proposed method allows the use of simulation, with the aid of forecasting methods, for continuous decision making, composing the so-called Digital Twin. The method was applied in a real process to validate it. Main findings The Moving Average, Single Exponential Smoothing, and Double Exponential Smoothing forecasting methods were used to supply the simulation model in order to test scenarios and guide decision making. The developed system enabled a virtual copy with a certain degree of intelligence and that provides answers to make the constant decision-making process more efficient. Implications for theory and practice The proposed method can be used for several operational problems like headcount, production planning and covers different levels of decision. Therefore, it can be used both on the shop floor and at managerial levels.
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