Logomarca do periódico: Production

Open-access Production

Publicação de: Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção
Área: Engenharias Versão impressa ISSN: 0103-6513
Versão on-line ISSN: 1980-5411


Production, Volume: 31, Publicado: 2021
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Production, Volume: 31, Publicado: 2021

Document list
Research Article
The role of motivation in the results of total productive maintenance Guedes, Micaela Figueiredo, Paulo S. Pereira-Guizzo, Camila Sousa Loiola, Elisabeth

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The aim is to analyze the role of motivation of work teams in production lines in the operational results obtained with the implementation of a Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) program in a single company. Originality The areas of industrial production and maintenance require that human factors influencing performance be continuously investigated and cannot focus exclusively on the reliability of equipment and systems. Studies that contemplate these factors are relatively scarce but of great value for companies and society. Research method This is an exploratory case study that used a measurement of motivation with two teams of employees who participated in the implementation of TPM, comparing it to measures of operational performance. Unstructured interviews and nonparticipant observation were also used for data collection. Main findings The level of motivation of the team was positively associated with a change in operational performance, and the implementation of TPM had a positive impact on performance. Implications for theory and practice This study contributes to the behavioral operations management literature by showing empirical evidence that operational results may depend on motivated workers during TPM implementation. Managers must pay attention to the factors that determine the motivation of work teams when implementing improvement programs.
Research Article
Fast-response measures to mitigate the COVID-19 health and economic impacts within the organizations: the case of Thyssenkrupp Elevator Brazil Gomes, Rodrigo Frank de Souza Gauss, Leandro Lacerda, Daniel Pacheco

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims at investigating the efficacy of fast-response measures to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 in an essential service organization that continued to operate despite the pandemic. Originality Although the number of studies associated with COVID-19 has grown exponentially, insufficient attention has been paid to how organizations should rapidly respond to overcome the trade-off between worker’s health and economic activity. Research method A five-step case study design is carried out in this research. The efficacy of measures is assessed through the amplitude and agreement level among respondents as well as a statistical comparative analysis to evidence the significance of the results. Main findings Our findings indicate that the mitigation measures implemented within the factory were well-accepted by employees and empirical evidence attests to the efficacy of the actions implemented, even though further studies are needed. Implications for theory and practice The study expands the literature about Business Continuity Planning and highlights the Evaporating Cloud (a tool of the Theory of Constraints) as a mechanism to broaden the capacity to analyze conflicts. For practitioners, this research presents a useful body of knowledge to deal with trade-offs at the enterprise-level.
Research Article
Social skills in higher education: how to combine active learning and social skills training program Lopes, Daniele Carolina Gerolamo, Mateus Cecílio Musetti, Marcel Andreotti Amaral, Daniel Capaldo

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The objective was to propose a Social Skills Training (SST) program integrated with project-based learning (PjBL) and to describe the student’s perception. Originality Social skills are recognized for promoting peer collaboration and are important requirements in professional environment. However, there are no proposals on how to integrate SST in PjBL. Research method The same PjBL was applied to students from different classes and at the same Production Engineering course. The first in 2017 without the SST, and in 2018, with the SST conducted by a psychologist. A survey with open-ended questions compiled students' perceptions in both applications. Main findings The qualitatively analyzed students' responses indicated changes regarding the perceived benefits of the PjBL over the years and students with SST cited the benefit of social interaction and teamwork. Implications for theory and practice The study points out that SST can be positive and brings effects in professional teams.
Research Article
The influence of factors on project management: a qualitative approach Castro, José Francisco Tebaldi de Costa, Helder Gomes Méxas, Mirian Picinini Lima, Claudio Benevenuto de Campos Ribeiro, Wagner Rodrigues

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study describes a qualitative analysis methodology, proposing measurement of the degree of influence of factors acting in project management. Originality A multidisciplinary approach explores a path not previously addressed by methodologies commonly associated with project management. Research method The De Borda method was used on the results collected from a survey composed of two samples, and showed a strong correlation between them. Main findings The results suggest the need to adapt certain project management practices in a given environment, in order to preventively guarantee the success of a project during its execution. The Interpersonal Skills, with Tools and Methods, and Top Management Support are the most influential in project deployment of specific samples. Implications for theory and practice It covers part of the existing gap regarding the lack of knowledge on the intensity of the effects of active factors in project deployment. Researchers will be able to enhance said factors, understanding which factors determine, preventively, project success.
Research Article
Sustainability practices in container terminals in Brazil Calcerano, Tomaz Alexandre Hilsdorf, Wilson de Castro

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims to investigate which sustainability practices are being applied in port terminals in Brazil and to identify the driving forces and obstacles to the implementation of these practices. Originality The research contributes to fill gaps that still remain in the literature, such as the need to identify and analyze sustainability requirements in the port industry in a more tangible way, bringing new evidence to a better understanding of how the port industry perceives and addresses sustainability issues. Research method The paper presents an in-depth multiple case study in the five largest terminals in Brazil, which correspond to approximately 60% of the Brazilian handling of containers. Main findings The results present evidence of the evolution of the commitment to environmental preservation and the progressive dissemination of sustainability practices. The main difficulties are the high costs and lack of support from the port authority to encourage the implementation of some practices. Implications for theory and practice This study aimed to disclose sustainability practices adopted at container terminals in Brazil, as well as provide some content, both for academia and companies, that may assist in developing new research on this theme and implementing these practices in other organizations.
Research Article
Proposal for an analytical model of materiality in the Global Reporting Initiative Standards reports Vieira, Igor Laguna Silva, Elmo Rodrigues da Martini Junior, Luiz Carlos de Rangel, Luis Alberto Duncan

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study proposes, applies, and discusses a model based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method with the objective of assessing the issue of materiality of sustainability reports in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) model of civil construction companies. Originality The published literature contains few studies that propose quantitative models for the assessment of materiality for sustainability reports. To address this data gap, the present research suggests new paths. Research method After the hierarchical structure of the model had been developed, specialists were asked to prioritize the criteria and sub-criteria in their orders of preference. Their decisions were collected through a questionnaire and the responses were included in the model using the individual aggregation of priorities method applied to the AHP. Main findings It was concluded that there is scope for improving the quality of sustainability reports, as there are companies that fail to disclose relevant topics according to the judgment of the specialists consulted in this study. Implications for theory and practice The AHP method with absolute measurement proved to be an efficient model, mainly because it allows for weighting of criteria and sub-criteria, demonstrating that it is useful for comparing the materiality of company reports.
Research Article
The cooperation between suppliers and an agro-industrial slaughterhouse: a measurement tool Alécio, João Cuareli Neuenfeldt Júnior, Alvaro Siluk, Julio Mendes, Angélica Alebrant Oliveira, Bruna Rigon de Mello, Mário

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To identify factors to measure the cooperation between an agro-industrial pork slaughterhouse cooperative and input suppliers. Originality A performance measurement tool applicable in real-life industry practices related to input suppliers, based on critical success factors. Research method The performance measurement tool was calculated based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) procedure, constituted by two essential elements, the critical success factors and the key performance indicators, organized in a hierarchical structure. The key performance indicators are used to detail the critical success factors, measuring the supplier’s performance in relation to specific cooperation characteristics. Main findings In general, 77% of suppliers are fully or potentially cooperative with an established performance in risk sharing and information sharing factors. For the remaining 23% of suppliers classified as partially cooperatives, suggestions were proposed for changes to be implemented which improve their cooperation level performance. Finally, a direct relation between a low proportion of input discards and a established cooperative performance between suppliers and the analyzed agro-industrial pork cooperative was not verified. Implications for theory and practice To provide a performance measurement tool developed with methodological rigor to be used by researchers and agro-industrial pork slaughterhouse cooperative managers to improve the Brazilian pork slaughterhouse supply chain context.
Research Article
Risk prioritization based on the combination of FMEA and dual hesitant fuzzy sets method Calache, Lucas Daniel Del Rosso Zanon, Lucas Gabriel Arantes, Rafael Ferro Munhoz Osiro, Lauro Carpinetti, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper proposes the combination of the quality tool FMEA (Failure Modes Effects and Analysis) with the DHFS (Dual Hesitant Fuzzy sets) technique to process judgements with hesitation and hence conduct the prioritization of failure modes considering a group decision making problem. Originality There are no studies that combine the FMEA tool with the DHFS technique. Research method Firstly, this paper presents a review of the current FMEA literature. Then, the group decision model is presented combining the FMEA and the DHFS. Finally, an illustrative example in the context of supplier failure modes is brought to guide future applications of the proposal. Main findings The paper presents a model that combines the FMEA tool with the DHFS. It allows considering different risk factors weights in a group decision process with experts from several areas. The model is also able to deal with the different types of hesitations present in the judgements. Implications for theory and practice The traditional FMEA does not deal with individual judgments of different decision makers. The new proposal can be easily applied in different contexts of potential failure modes analysis considering different types of hesitation in group decision making, such as medical and humanitarian.
Research Article
Paper-based thesis and dissertations: analysis of fundamental characteristics for achieving a robust structure Kubota, Flávio Issao Cauchick-Miguel, Paulo Augusto Tortorella, Guilherme Amorim, Marlene

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study identifies fundamental characteristics for developing a paper-based thesis (PBT), providing some recommendations to researchers who decide for this academic research report. Originality This paper contributes to the literature by providing guidance to develop PBTs, which has been attracting researchers' interest because it demonstrates publication capacity and potential as a researcher. Additionally, it is still not entirely clear which issues and countermeasures researchers should address when choosing the paper-based structure. Research method The authors searched for articles of PBTs already published, institutional documents (e.g., regulations for conducting PBTs in Brazil and abroad) and journal papers concerning this subject. A content and document analysis were conducted in the papers and PBT internal regulations, respectively. Main findings Results indicate five main factors that impact the success of a PBT approach: (i) the initial planning for this academic model; (ii) alignment between the articles and the thesis/dissertation; (iii) research design construction; (iv) copyrights requirements; and (v) issues regarding co-authorship. Based on that, the study also builds some guidelines to structure a robust PBT. Implications for theory and practice Our recommendations might be meaningful to scholars and researchers bring more theoretical, empirical, and structural robustness when developing a PBT final document.
Research Article
PSCPF: planning, scheduling and control of patient flow Souza, Thiago A. Vaccaro, Guilherme L. R. Lima, Rui M.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Lack of operational planning in healthcare organizations may result in service disconnection and reduced value per effort to the patient. Production Planning, Scheduling and Control assists in determining “what,” “how much,” “when” and “where” to deliver, which may be of great relevance to healthcare services. This study proposes a structural framework and analyzes the implementation of PPSC concepts in OR management. Originality The application of concepts from manufacturing applied to healthcare as the PPSC, present in this text, demonstrates the crossing and alignment of global management techniques and tools applicable to both areas. Research method The discussion is based on data gathered through action-research in a Brazilian public hospital. Main findings In the hospital under study, the PSCPF implementation resulted in increased production control of surgeries, increased efficiency in management of waiting lists, increased operational efficiency, and motivational gains from staff integration. Implications for theory and practice The understanding and proper implementation of the concept of PPSC contributed to mitigate problems related to capacity management, reduced the unawareness of different levels of demand and waiting lists, cut down scheduling errors, and prevented the provision of false information from the disconnection between the various areas of the hospital.
Research Article
Concordance measurement applying the Delphi method: proposal and evaluation of a set determinants factor of the Triple Helix existence Oliveira, Antônio Honorato de Marins, Fernando Augusto Silva Delamaro, Maurício César

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This article presents the development and results of research carried out to know the modus agendi of a Regional Triple Helix and measure the intensity of the presence of a set of factors proposed as determinants of its existence and consolidation. Originality This is an unprecedented contribution to research in TH, as it investigates how much an established regional reality matches the pattern of a modus agendi and a set of determining factors of its existence and consolidation. Research method The inductive basic research method was adopted, with qualitative and quantitative approach, exploratory and descriptive objective and field research, applying the e-Delphi method. Main findings A high degree of misalignment of perceptions was identified among respondents and the existence of a Triple Helix that is still consolidating. Implications for theory and practice The relevance of this article is corroborated by the unprecedented application of the calculation of three statistical indicators (CVI-h; CV; IR) in the e-Delphi method. Another important contribution of this research lies in the fact that it investigates the level of alignment of the modus agendi of a TH, with a set of determinant factors that indicate the existence and consolidation of this development.
Research Article
Occupational safety risks during maintenance of telecommunication towers Ribeiro, Rafhael Friederiche Barkokébas Junior, Béda Lago, Eliane Maria Gorga Martins, Ana Rosa Bezerra Cruz, Felipe Mendes da Zlatar, Tomi

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Conduct a set of case studies on risk management in telecommunication companies, in order to reduce the risks of accidents. Originality The present study furthers the discussion of risk management during the maintenance of telecommunication towers. Research method Three teams were assessed during their maintenance work. The risks of accidents were identified through self-made questionnaires and the checklist structured from 95 items from Brazilian regulatory and technical norms. The analysis was conducted by using the Hazard Rating Number and the OHSAS hierarchy of risk control, finally comparing the results with the OSHA´s potential draft of the standard addressing telecommunication tower safety. Main findings The main risks of accidents were: falling objects; falls from height; electrocution; and attacks from animals. Only 20% of occupational safety items were in conformity. Implications for theory and practice Suggestions on control measures were given and discussed for all four risks of accidents.
Research Article
Involvement of Brazilian companies with occupational health and safety aspects and the new ISO 45001:2018 Campanelli, Leandro Contri Ribeiro, Lucas Desiderio Campanelli, Leonardo Contri

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aimed to analyze the level of involvement of companies in the state of São Paulo with aspects of occupational health and safety (OH&S) and with NBR ISO 45001:2018. OH&S aspects have acquired increasing prominence worldwide especially due to the unprecedented publication of ISO 45001 in 2018. Originality To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first paper published in Brazil to explore the applicability of ISO 45001 to Brazilian companies. Research method A survey was structured based on the requirements of the standard and sent to a sample of companies. After data collection and analysis, interviews were conducted with some of the companies as a way to complement and specify the data obtained. Main findings OH&S operations with a management approach mostly occur in large companies. Small and medium-sized companies also work on OH&S aspects, however with specific actions oriented towards the compliance with Regulatory Standards by the Ministry of Labor. The knowledge about ISO 45001 proved to be still incipient. Implications for theory and practice Since very few companies have performed some kind of work in order to bring the requirements of ISO 45001 to the organizational environment, new gaps must be filled concerning OH&S aspects.
Research Article
Lean techniques application towards efficient collaborative robot integration: an experimental study Quenehen, Anthony Pocachard, Jerome Klement, Nathalie Roucoules, Lionel Gibaru, Olivier

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Highlight the practical implications of coupling collaborative robots with lean manufacturing techniques and understand mutual contributions towards enhanced operational performance. Originality Usage of an experimental approach, focusing on lean techniques as a differentiating skill to implement efficiently collaborative robots in a production representative environment. Research method Experimental case study, based on the gradual implementation of a collaborative robot within a manual assembly process in order to design a collaborative process. Main findings Guidelines for transition from manual to collaborative process, incorporating incremental improvement loops – and related skills – enabling enhanced performance. Implications for theory and practice Identification of a set of lean techniques contributing positively to collaborative robots’ usage, incorporated in a step by step operator driven implementation process.
Research Article
Food aid supply and distribution in insecure regions: world food programme operation analysis in Ethiopia Leiras, Adriana Gonçalves, Paulo Chawaguta, Bervery Brito Junior, Irineu de Yoshizaki, Hugo Tsugunobu Yoshida

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper analyzes the food aid supply and distribution for famine relief by the World Food Programme (WFP) in Ethiopia. Food insecurity has increasingly affected people around the world. Furthermore, the characteristics of the provision of humanitarian aid in insecure regions pose several additional challenges over traditional distribution planning (e.g., corruption, losses in last-mile distribution, security escorts). Originality Most previous studies addressing famine relief are qualitative, with only a handful including mathematical modeling as this work. Furthermore, we validate our mathematical model with data from a real problem setting. Research method We propose a stochastic transshipment network flow model to ensure the efficient allocation of limited resources. Main findings The results show high potential for cost savings and offer managerial insights to humanitarian logisticians on the food aid supply and distribution. Our findings indicate that policies in humanitarian logistics should focus on: (a) relaxing legislation for customs clearance of humanitarian supplies; (b) strengthening local market to increase local procurement; (c) implementing tools to enhance security; and (d) monitoring distribution to mitigate the impact of corruption. Implications for theory and practice The results suggest that optimizing food aid distribution in Ethiopia can save millions of people vulnerable to malnutrition.
Research Article
Learning in project based organizations: processes, mechanisms and main challenges Souza, Daniela Emiliano de Carvalho, Marly M.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Identify the mechanisms, processes, challenges and other contexts of project-based organizations that affect or are affected by knowledge management. Originality The literature lacks studies that assist project-based organizations in the successful use of knowledge management. We bring these analyzes to this article. Research method We performed a multiple case study applied to two Brazilian companies. Main findings The organizations face challenges due to managerial, operational, and strategic issues. The knowledge management occurs through codification and sharing of data, and both formal and informal events were identified. Implications for theory and practice This paper provides new guidelines for future research, also, several components that affect knowledge management were identified, so professionals will be able to design and implement models with a greater chance of success.
Research Article
Analysis of activities that generate logistical costs in an operation in Brazil to import a containerized cargo: a case study Delfim, Leonardo Melo Silva, Pedro Henrique Monteiro da Silva, Jonas Figuerêdo Leite, Maria Silene Alexandre

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This article aims to analyze the activities that generate logistics costs in the process of importing a containerized cargo transported through a port terminal. Originality The scientific literature states that logistical costs are one of the main factors to be mitigated to improve the country's position in the global competitive scenario. The applied methodology offers a conceptual contribution to the area of supply chain, logistics and costs. Research method In this regard, it was necessary to map the process of importing the granite prime cargo, identify the agents involved in the process, survey the activities, and segregate which activities generate logistical costs. Data collection was carried out through the application of semi-structured interviews. Towards the end of each interview and observation, a compilation and data crossing along with the documentary analysis were performed. Then, the logistical costs were segregated by the following types: Supply, Plant, and Distribution. Main findings The article proves to be especially important due to the complex nature of the import process in the country, which involves many independent agents who need to communicate to lead the process. Through the information collected in the interviews with employees involved in the process of importing cargo and document analysis, it was possible to map the process, adding it with the systematic review of the literature realized on activities classified as generating logistical costs, it was possible to segregate them. Implications for theory and practice In this context, so it was possible to carry out the analysis of activities generating logistical costs. Properly mapping and analyzing the logistical cost-generating activities involved serves as a basis for decision-making by the agents involved in the various points of the cargo import process, since dealing directly with port terminals and agents responsible for import operations, it is possible to understand the causes of port inefficiency at the operational level.
Research Article
Development of performance indicators for Occupational Health and Safety: a constructivist multicriteria approach for PPE Riascos, Carmen Elena Martínez Ensslin, Sandra Rolim Merino, Eugenio Andrés Díaz

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study aims to develop indicators, using the Multi-Criteria Decision Aid - Constructivist methodology (MCDA-C), to assess the occupational prevention activities in a psychiatric hospital. Originality The application to the health sector of MCDA-C, in a case study during the supply of medicines to patients. Research method We use the ProKnow-C. Then, MCDA-C was applied in a case study. Main findings Four interest areas were defined, then the critical situations were identified to construct 126 specific indicators and finally the intervention strategies were defined. 26 indicators focused on PPE, 4 lagging and 22 leading. The model enabled the mapping of performance indicator levels. For that, 48 recommendations, and intervention strategies for each situation were defined. Implications for theory and practice The use of specific indicators, obtained through a participatory process, allowed the identification of accurate and reliable metrics to measure the actual performance of activities, critical situations, and strategies.
Research Article
Goal programming associated with the non-archimedean infinitesimal: a case study applied in the agricultural sector Passos, Fabiana Gomes dos Nascimento, Ademar Nogueira Fontes, Cristiano Hora de Oliveira

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This work presents a multi-objective method based on goal programming associated with non-Archimedean infinitesimal (NAI) (Improved Weighted Goal Programming method, input-oriented IWGP-MCDEA-BCC). Originality The MCDEA is applied for the first time in a large agricultural company (over 11 hectares). A new method is proposed which consists of an improvement on input-oriented WGP-MCDEA-BCC approaches. Research method The performance of the proposed method was compared to the classic Data Envelopment Analysis and the Weighted sum Goal Programming methods. The case study comprises an agricultural company located in the São Francisco Valley (Brazil). Main findings The proposed method can help decision makers to improve efficiency in the production of different types of fruits. Implications for theory and practice The proposed model is capable of overcoming the deficiencies associated with classical DEA and allows the company to identify effective ways to increase productivity by reducing input costs.
Research Article
Lean layout design: a case study applied to the textile industry Lista, Ana Paula Tortorella, Guilherme Luz Bouzon, Marina Mostafa, Sherif Romero, David

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This research proposes a new facility layout for an Indian textile company based on guidelines for Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) and Lean Manufacturing (LM). Originality This paper provides an original industrial case study with valuable insights for practitioners interested in layout redesign. The obtained results encourage assuming its transferability to similar situations than textile industry. Research method To showcase the application of LM on plant layout design, an ABC Industries’ facility is selected. Information is collected through multiple site visits and semi-structured interviews with the company’s key staff, as well as examination of relevant company documentations. Main findings Some of the expected results include costs reduction handling, organic growth elimination, unnecessary movements reduction and less arrangement adjustments. Implications for theory and practice This paper provides an original industrial case study with valuable insights for the adaptation of the SLP model to reformulate plant designs.
Systematic Review
Australian manufacturing industry: a 20-year scoping study on barriers, opportunities and trends for its strategic development Tortorella, Guilherme Li, Wen Staines, Jo Vassolo, Roberto

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study aims at identifying the barriers, opportunities and trends for the strategic development of the Australian manufacturing industry. Originality As research on Australian manufacturing is prolific and sparse, our study helps to clarify whether and how important research findings on Australian manufacturing replicate. Research method For that, we conducted a scoping review on literature evidence published in the last twenty years. We systemically compiled the body of knowledge and proposed research directions in accordance with five global manufacturing megatrends. Main findings We identified eight barriers/challenges and eight opportunities according to manufacturing sectors and analyzed them based on their emphasis on these global megatrends. Literature emphasis has not been equally distributed over time, highlighting the need for further research. Implications for theory and practice We suggested three main directions for future studies; they were: (i) digital transformation of manufacturing; (ii) sustainable operations in end-to-end service-integrated manufacturing; and (iii) interrelation between socioeconomic characteristics and strategic critical success factors. Further, the body of knowledge’s systemic compilation has led to new conceptual and theoretical insights in light of global megatrends.
Systematic Review
Data mining in occupational safety and health: a systematic mapping and roadmap Reis, Beatriz Lavezo dos Rosa, Ana Caroline Francisco da Machado, Ageu de Araujo Wencel, Simone Luzia Santana Sambugaro Leal, Gislaine Camila Lapasini Galdamez, Edwin Vladimir Cardoza Souza, Rodrigo Clemente Thom de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This research presents a literature overview in relation to data mining and machine learning applications in the area of occupational health and safety. Originality A summary of main insights obtained from the analysis of systematic mapping is presented at the end, as well as a roadmap with recommendations for directing future research on the topic. Research method This article carries out a thorough descriptive research of the scientific literature on the topic through a systematic mapping covering the period between the years 2008 and 2019 and 12 scientific databases, which at the end presents 68 selected records. Main findings Around 84% of the selected records were of total significance for the research, with the majority of them being classified in the areas of civil construction and steel industry. Implications for theory and practice Through this study it is possible to understand the way research has been developed on this theme, as well as point to the guidelines for future studies. Other contribution is the indication of studies in OSH 4.0 concept, based on monitoring workers full-time.
Systematic Review
The new business is circular? Analysis from the perspective of the circular economy and entrepreneurship Kuzma, Edson Luis Sehnem, Simone Machado, Hilka Pelizza Vier Campos, Lucila Maria de Souza

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The objective of this article is to explore the relationship between circular economy and entrepreneurship, to propose an agenda for future research to advance in the field and generate managerial implications. Originality The study helps to identify the research profile and enable the development of a logical structure for analyzing entrepreneurship carried out in the specific context of companies operating under the guidance of the circular economy. Research method The method is a systematic literature review, peer-reviewed and indexed in ten databases. The research protocol adopted aimed at: i) searching and searching the databases, ii) sorting and selecting the literature, iii) coding and analyzing the data. Main findings The results point to: i) predominance of causation logic in the market environment, ii) attention to the creation of relationship and value networks, iii) entrepreneurship aimed at valorization, iv) focus on innovation in production, regional development and exploitation of market failures. Implications for theory and practice The main contribution of the study is to consolidate the knowledge in the field of circular economy and entrepreneurship, still little explored. The results provide a basis for managers and decision-makers to expand their business and create new models based on the circular economy.
Thematic Section - Advances in Analytic Hierarchy Process
AHP in nonlinear scaling: from two-envelope problem to modeling by predictors Lipovetsky, Stan

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Extending the AHP abilities to new areas from explaining the famous Two-Envelope paradox to finding priorities as functions of auxiliary variables is suggested. Originality The proposed innovative and advantageous approach permits to find the non-constant priorities via regression modeling for the exponential or Cobb-Douglas production functions. Research method Transforming the ratio scale into the additive or logarithmic scales, which correspond to the multiplicative utility function, opens new possibilities in the multiple-criteria decision making. Main findings Two-Envelop problem is resolved, priority vectors are presented as functions by auxiliary variables, preferences are predicted and profiled by predictors. Implications for theory and practice The suggested techniques open novel possibilities of multiple-criteria decisions helping to researchers and managers to discover useful features of priority behavior due to the demographic, socio-economic, or technical properties of the compared alternatives, and to find optimal solutions for individual customers.
Thematic Section - Advances in Analytic Hierarchy Process
Multi-criteria analysis applied to aircraft selection by Brazilian Navy Maêda, Sérgio Mitihiro do Nascimento Costa, Igor Pinheiro de Araújo Castro Junior, Marcos Alexandre Pinto de Fávero, Luiz Paulo Costa, Arthur Pinheiro de Araújo Corriça, José Victor de Pina Gomes, Carlos Francisco Simões Santos, Marcos dos

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims to select the best helicopter to be acquired by the Brazilian Navy (BN), enabling greater logistical and combat capacity in marine operations. For this purpose, we applied the AHP-TOPSIS-2N, a hybrid multicriteria method composed by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and two normalization procedures (2N). Originality In this paper, a real military case study is conducted to support the decision-making process in BN, contributing to the better performance of the Brazilian Armed Forces. The application of the methodology resulted in two lists of ordering and prioritization of helicopters, providing transparency and simplicity to the decision-making process. Research method We analyzed six aircraft models, considering attack helicopters used by the Armed Forces of developed countries, in the light of their operational and tactical criteria. The selected helicopter would be employed in the fire support and reconnaissance, required by the Brazilian Marine Corps Amphibious Operations. Main findings After the application of the method, the AH-64E APACHE was chosen as the most suitable helicopter to be acquired by the Brazilian Navy. Implications for theory and practice This study brings valuable contribution to academia and society, since it represents the application of a Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method in the state of the art to contribute to the solution of a real problem of the BN. The methodology presented in this paper can notably be used to solve real problems of the most varied types – tactical, operational and strategic – thus being a very useful method for decision-making.
Thematic Section - Advances in analytic hierarchy process
An update on combinatorial method for aggregation of expert judgments in AHP Kadenko, Sergii Tsyganok, Vitaliy Szádoczki, Zsombor Bozóki, Sándor

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims the paper aims to demonstrate the advantages of several modifications of combinatorial method of expert judgment aggregation in AHP. Modifications are based on 1) weighting of spanning trees; 2) sorting of spanning trees by graph diameter during aggregation. Originality Both the method and its modifications are developed and improved by the authors. We propose to 1) weight spanning trees, based on quality of respective expert estimates, and 2) sort them by diameter in order to reduce the impact of expert errors and the method’s computational complexity. Research method we focus on theoretical and empirical studies of several modifications of combinatorial method of aggregation of expert judgments within AHP. Main findings modified combinatorial method has several conceptual advantages over ordinary method. It is also less sensitive to perturbations of initial data. Additionally, selection of spanning trees with smaller diameters allows us to reduce computational complexity of the method and minimize the impact of expert errors. Implications for theory and practice Combinatorial method is a universal instrument of expert judgment aggregation, applicable to additive/multiplicative, complete/incomplete, individual/group pair-wise comparisons, provided in different scales. It is used in the original strategic planning technology, which has recently found several important applications.
Thematic Section - Advances in analytic hierarchy process
High performance teams: an investigation of the effect on self-management towards performance Pfutzenreuter, Thais Carreira Lima, Edson Pinheiro de Frega, José Roberto

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Work design is being constantly transformed by technology and requirements for polyvalent workers piloting the work system instead of operating it. This paper investigates self-management teams’ implementation and its effects on performance. A Brazilian cosmetics company case study of team development was used as a guidance for this investigation. Originality Consistent connection between team development theory and practice, exploring sociotechnical approach and empowerment best practices. Research method Boxplot analysis is performed over team building stages along with One-way Variance Analysis to test average performance differences among stages’ transitions. Tukey test was sequentially applied to identify its statistic differences in pairs. Descriptive analysis and Analysis of Means are complementarily applied for shop-floor accidents performance assessment. Main findings Team development reached the expected performance over team stages. Forming to storming, though, was the only transition with no performance average gains. Storming to norming was the highest improvement, which meets sociotechnical principles. Moreover, mean of accidents was inferior at performing stage comparing to the overall mean of accidents during the whole project, highlighting additional shop-floor safety improvements enhanced by the new work design. Implications for theory and practice This paper is restricted to a single sociotechnical environment. Therefore, generic conclusions imply further investigation.
Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems
Permeability evaluation of Industry 4.0 technologies in cloud-based energy management systems environments - Energy Cloud Schaefer, Jones Luís Carvalho, Patrícia Stefan de Ruhoff, Augusto Thomas, Johanna Dreher Siluk, Julio Cezar Mairesse

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Paper aims This article aims to diagnose the penetration level of Industry 4.0 technologies in cloud-based energy management systems, the Energy Cloud. Originality The energy sector is undergoing a technological evolution driven by the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies with energy management systems, making relevant the study of the permeability of these technologies with energy companies. Research method The research used two articles on Energy Cloud as a theoretical basis and a data collection carried out with managers of renewable energy companies, with the data being analyzed using the MONNA software. Main findings The results show that there is a greater understanding and use of the Internet of Things and Sensors technologies to the detriment of Cloud Computing and Big Data. Implications for theory and practice The article shows that there is a need for managers to seek greater familiarization, especially with Cloud Computing and Big Data.
Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems
Development of a Sustainability Index at the Local Level: methodological proposal and its application in the case study of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Silva, Ana Luiza Mendes Barros, Matheus Ferreira de Santos, Luan

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper presents the methodological development of a sustainability indicator focused on the local level, based on the Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI). Originality The proposed indicator (MHDI+S) was built on the use of an indicator with simple methodology based on information provided by reliable Brazilian research institutes, making it easier to be updated and reproduced in other regions and states. Research method By adding the environmental factor to this well-known index, the proposed indicator (MHDI+S) is then applied to the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, so that the municipalities have been categorized into different clusters. Main findings The results of this categorization were validated by statistical assessment (cluster analysis) showing that the groups have internal homogeneity and external heterogeneity. Implications for theory and practice The proposed indicator (MHDI+S) can assist public management at the local level, decentralizing the well-established federal perspective,
Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems
Multicriteria evaluation of biomass residues in Portugal to second generation bioethanol production Fontes, Afonso V. P. João, Isabel Maria Silva, João M.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study evaluates agricultural and forest residues in Portugal to select the best candidates to use in second generation bioethanol (2G bioethanol) production. Originality The growth in the significance and level of decisions in biomass resources to 2G bioethanol and the involved complexity clearly encourage a research strategy to identify and select the wastes according to a multiplicity of criteria. Research method To address the key research objective this research used a multicriteria decision analysis method, MACBETH, to structuring the values of concern and identifying the key criteria, to evaluating the main agricultural and forest waste with respect to each criterion, to weighting the criteria and analyzing the biomass residues overall attractiveness and exploring the model´s results. Main findings As main findings of the study we found that Eucalyptus waste is the most promising forest residue to produce lignocellulosic bioethanol followed by Paulownia Tomentosa waste. The utilization of forest residues to the production of bioethanol in Portugal may represent in the future an important economic activity with huge environmental benefits. Implications for theory and practice The multicriteria approach addressed the research objectives and is simple to use with great potential for circular economy strategy issues. The step-by-step explanation of the model building makes the approach highly acceptable to other practitioners.
Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems
Multicritery analysis for prioritizing the energy use of urban solid waste as a fuel in Paulista-PE Guedes, Flávio Leôncio El-Deir, Soraya Giovanetti Jucá, José Fernando Thomé Lima, Iara Lícia Pereira

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To carry out a multi-criteria analysis to assist decision making regarding the indication of the best alternative for converting solid waste energy into fuel. Originality The innovative and advantageous approach analyzes the feasibility of deploying the technology, mainly due to new and significant information on waste energy recovery. Research method The application of the system based on multi-criteria analysis, through the method of hierarchical analysis, according to previously established criteria, enables decision-making based on multiple criteria. Main findings The criteria generated by the mathematical process presented the priorities of heat treatment technologies and energy potential according to the levels of preference and order of importance. Implications for theory and practice The production refused derived fuel replaces petroleum-derived fuel sources, and reduces the amount of waste disposed of in landfills.
Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems
A metaheuristic to support the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines Rodrigues, Augusto José da Silva Lima, Gabriel Lopes

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The aim is to develop a vaccine distribution routing model (VDRM) in order to support governments to mitigate the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Originality As far as we know, no metaheuristics has been developed for vaccine distribution, and specifically, to support the Brazilian government. Research method A metaheuristic is developed based on the combination and adaptation of GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) with VND (Variable Neighborhood Descent), considering different refinement operators. Finally, as a way of validating the model, a numerical application in the state of Pernambuco (Brazil) was performed. Main findings Metaheuristic proved to be effective for developing adequate planning for the allocation of ampoules with vaccines to combat COVID-19. Effective analysis was obtained in the evaluation of the proposed algorithm, both in terms of computational effort and the quality of the final solution. An efficiency of approximately 75% was obtained in relation to the current distribution procedure adopted by the state of Pernambuco. Implications for theory and practice To mitigate disease, adequate logistics for transporting and distributing vaccines is essential, especially in emergency situations to face pandemic crises. Thus, the developed metaheuristic can support governments and companies in any situation demanded, making the decision of how the distribution of the ampoules will be more agile.
Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems
A comparative study of forecasting methods using real-life econometric series data Matta, Cláudia Eliane da Bianchesi, Natália Maria Puggina Oliveira, Milena Silva de Balestrassi, Pedro Paulo Leal, Fabiano

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper presents a comparative evaluation of different forecasting methods using two artificial neural networks (Multilayer Perceptron network and Radial Basis Functions Neural Network) and the Gaussian process regression. Originality Due to the current world scenario, solving economic problems has become extremely important. Artificial neural networks are one of the most promising tools to forecast economic trends and are being widely studied in economic analyses. Therefore, due to the concerns about the performance of different forecasting methods to solve economic problems, this study contributes with an example of the forecasting performance of artificial neural network models compared with Gaussian process regression using Nelson-Plosser and U.S. macroeconomic real-life data sets. Research method Two real-life data sets were used to evaluate the forecasting methods proposed in this paper. These data sets were normalised to values between zero and one. After that, the data training was performed and, once it was built, a model was used to generate forecasts. Thus, observations were made to verify how accurately the fitted model forecast the values. Main findings The results obtained from the study show that, for all forecasting horizons, multi-layer perceptron networks and Gaussian process regression models had the most satisfactory results. On the other hand, the radial basis functions neural network model was unsuitable for econometric data. Implications for theory and practice This study contributes to a discussion about artificial neural networks and Gaussian process regression models for econometric forecasting. Although artificial neural networks are mainly used in economic analyses, the results showed that not all models, such as radial basis functions neural networks, present good results. In addition, the regression of the Gaussian process showed promising results to forecast econometric data.
Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems
Technological patterns in the wind power industry: a study based on patent deposits Barbastefano, Rafael Garcia Souza, Cristina Gomes Lippi, Maria Clara Teixeira, Renata Cristina Santos, Daniel Penalva

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper presents the results of technological analysis on wind energy based on patent documents classified with code F03D – “Wind Motors.” Originality Despite several studies on wind energy, this paper follows a different approach, presenting an overview that brings together technical and market information through social network analysis methods. Research method The study covered data from 55,223 documents filed in the principal patent offices of the world, obtained from the Derwent Innovations Index. The publications were organized and analyzed through correlation and technology transfer networks. Main findings General Electric (GE) and European companies have dominated the wind energy industry. However, in the last years, companies from emerging countries are also penetrating and becoming major players. Emphasis can be given to China, which has a deposit pattern detached from the rest of the world. Implications for theory and practice This study indicates that these companies became important turbine manufacturers and started to invest in developing new technologies and seek patent protection. Companies from emerging countries are new entrants, and their performance is still restricted to few markets compared to traditional companies.
Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems
From theory to practice: a risk management model for SMEs in the context of ISO 9001 Martins, Yasmin Silva Silva, Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Gaudencio, Juliana Helena Daroz

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To fulfill risk-based thinking (RBT), most companies opt for widespread methods as FMEA, even with their limitations. This research aims to develop a model for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) relying on literature, practical and normative aspects, to accomplish RBT required by ISO 9001:2015. Originality This study represents an original contribution once its analysis and results guide a highlighted need in the literature. By discussing RBT from three different perspectives, this paper provides relevant insights for researchers and practitioners in quality and risk management. Research method The action research was conducted within a Brazilian SME, where the risk management model was implemented and analyzed through five cycles. The techniques to collect data were participant observation, documentary analysis, and semi-structured interviews, analyzed through attribute agreement analysis. Main findings Unlike the isolated use of widespread methods, this model contains all the aspects needed for RBT. Its applicability is directly related to the level of experience on risks and ISO 9001, emphasizing the organizational aspects needed. Implications for theory and practice A comprehensive model allows SMEs to understand better the concepts associated with RBT while incorporating an adapted approach to their contexts. Researchers can use the model to analyze its applicability for SMEs from different contexts.
Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems
Barriers to broaden the electricity production from biomass and biogas in Brazil Pavan, Margareth de Cássia Oliveira Ramos, Dorel Soares Soares, Munir Yones Barufi, Clara Carvalho, Marly Monteiro de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The research aims to identify the main barriers to scaling up the energy production expansion systems from biogas and biomass in Brazil. Originality This article aggregates information and different perceptions from a systemic view for bioelectricity production from biomass. It brings to the fore the discussion of bioenergy production from other types of biomass, which encompass a wide range of actors in the production chain. Research method We adopted a qualitative approach by applying semi-structured interviews with 19 experts from 15 institutions considering various biomass and biogas power generation segments. Main findings This paper identifies five barrier categories that restrain or affect the country’s broad electricity production from biomass and biogas: circumstantial, cultural, technical, and include other uses of biogas and biomethane. The financial and cultural barriers are the most mentioned by the experts. Financial difficulties of the plants, sector conservatism, issues in the electricity sector, and lack of knowledge limit the potential and interest in developing new projects. Implications for theory and practice The results contribute to the development of sectoral public policies as it brings up non-explicit information and reveals broad perspectives aimed at integrating the themes of biogas and biomass. Also, the research adds to the debate on the analysis boundaries of this theme and can support future empirical studies in developing countries that seek to expand renewable sources to power generation from biomass.
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