Open-access Enzymatic analysis in Anopheles nuneztovari Gabaldón (Diptera, Culicidae)

Análise enzimática em Anopheles nuneztovari Gabaldón (Diptera, Culicidae)

Enzymatic analysis in Anopheles nuneztovari was made using four populations from the Brazilian Amazon and two from Colombia. The enzymes ME and XDH presented a monomorphic locus in all of the studied populations. EST and LAP presented a higher number of loci. In EST, genetic variation was observed in the five loci; LAP presented four loci, with allec variation in two loci. In IDH, three activity regions were stained, with genetic variation for locus Idh-1 in the Brazilian Amazon populations. A locus for MDH was observed, with genetic variation in the six populations. A region was verified for ACON, with four alleles in Sitronela and three in the other populations. PGM constituted one locus, with a high variability in the Brazilian Amazon populations. A locus was observed for 6-PGD with allelic variation in all of the populations with the exception of Tibú. Enzyme PGI presented two loci, both with genetic variability in the Tucuruí population. The enzyme alpha-GPD showed an activity region with polymorphism in the Tucuruí, Tibú and Sitronela populations. The phenotypic variations detected for these enzymes suggest that four (EST, LAP, ACON and PGM) possess monomeric structures and five (IDH, MDH, 6-PGD, PGI and alpha-GPD) dimeric structures in their proteins. These enzymes constitute in important markers to estimate variability and genetic divergence in natural populations of A. nuneztovari.

isozymes; electrophoretic profiles; genetic variation; neotropical anopheline; Amazonian

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