Open-access Patient’s perception on glaucoma and different types of treatment (medical versus surgical treatment)


Objective:  To identify the meaning and impact on their quality of life of having glaucoma and to understand the patients’ perception on the different types of treatment (medical or surgical).

Methods:  Through a qualitative research, focus groups were conducted with patients in clinical treatment (group 1) and patients who underwent glaucoma surgery in both eyes and were without medication (group 2). The responses were analyzed using the technique of content analysis.

Results:  Fear of blindness and lack of information about the disease were the most cited issues in relation to how it is like to having glaucoma. Medication costs, impact of drops on patients’ daily lives and the side effects were the main points discussed in relation to medical treatment. All patients in the surgical group preferred the current situation (without medication) when compared to the need for chronic use of medication. In the two groups, both glaucoma and its treatment had a profound impact on people, not only from a psychological standpoint, but also affecting their daily lives. Patients operated on for glaucoma appear to have less impact on their daily lives, but the concern about the disease persists.

Conclusion:  We identified the most significant negative aspects of glaucoma and its treatment from patients’ perspectives. Confidence in the correct indication of the type of treatment, clinical or surgical, and a solid relationship between the patient the doctor are determining factors for extra peace of mind of patients being treated for glaucoma.

Keywords: Glaucoma, open-angle/psychology; Glaucoma, open-angle/therapy; Glaucoma, open-angle/surgery; Quality of life

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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