Open-access Epidemiology of fungal keratitis treated with penetrating keratoplasty by means of histopathologic findings


Objective:  To study, by means of histopathological examination, the epidemiology of fungal keratitis treated with penetrating keratoplasty therapy, emphasizing the presence of previous ocular surgery.

Methods:  Initially, we made an observational and cross-sectional study of corneal buttons from penetrating keratoplasty in the 2006-2015 period sent for histopathological examination at the Hospital Geral de Fortaleza Eye Bank.Tissues were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, PAS or Grocott, and examined with an optical microscope. We selected the cases with histopathological diagnosis of fungal keratitis. After the selection, we carried out a review of records seeking for age and sex of patients, date(s) of the graft(s) made to treat fungal keratitis, preoperative clinical diagnosis, presence/type of earlier and/or subsequent surgeries.We included 62 corneal buttons from 55 patients.

Results:  Most patients were male. Only 7 (11.29%) cases had recurrence of the surgically treated infection. 10 (16.13%) cases had eye surgery prior to fungal keratitis treated by transplant. No cases had fungal keratitis as preoperative clinical diagnosis.The main form of fungus in histopathological examination was isolated yeast form, followed by the yeast form associated with the filamentous form.The predominant aspect of Descemet's membrane was free of fungus.

Conclusion:  We demonstrated the healing potential of fungal keratitis when treated with penetrating therapeutic keratoplasty and the possible association of previous eye surgery factor for the development of these infections. Characteristics of histopathological examination have been approached differently from other studies that mostly specify only the microbiological examination. The difficulty in preoperative clinical diagnosis was highlighted, which may have contributed to the evolution of the cases studied for surgical treatment.

Keywords: keratitis/epidemiology; Keeratitis/pathology; Eye infections, fungal; Keratoplasty, penetrating

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