Open-access Mitomycin C application in refractive surgery


Over the years, mitomycin C has been used by refractive surgeons to prophylactically decrease haze after surface ablation procedures and therapeutically in the treatment of preexisting haze. Development of mitomycin C treatments has had a significant role in the revival of surface ablation techniques. We reviewed the literature regarding mechanism of action of mitomycin C, its role in modulating wound healing after refractive surgery, and its safety and efficacy as adjuvant therapy applied after primary photorefractive keratectomy surgery or after photorefractive keratectomy re-treatment after laser in situ keratomileusis and other corneal surgeries and disorders. The drug is a potent mitotic inhibitor that effectively blocks keratocyte activation, proliferation, and myofibroblast differentiation. Many studies have suggested that mitomycin C is safe and effective in doses used by anterior surface surgeons, although there continue to be concerns regarding long-term safety. After initial depletion of anterior keratocytes, keratocyte density seems to return to normal 6 to12 months after the use of mitomycin C when corneas are examined with the confocal microscope. Most clinical studies found no difference between preoperative and postoperative corneal endothelial cell densities when mitomycin C 0.02% was applied during refractive surgery,with exposure time of 2 minutes or less. After approximately 14 years of use, mitomycin C has been found to be effective when used for prevention and treatment of corneal haze.

Mitomycin; Photorefractive keratectomy; Myofibroblasts; Wound healing

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