Open-access Variation of intraocular pressure in resistance exercise performed in two different positions

Objective  To verify the variation in IOP in the resistance exercise performed in the sitting and supine.

Methods  A 14 volunteers of the Center for Physical Activities of the Sorocaba Eye Bank (BOS Fit). Exclusion criteria were adopted: I) media opacity; II) change in volume of the eyeball or no eyeball; III) IOP greater than 21mmHg; IV) age 20 and over 40; V) time practice of resistance training less than 30 days. Initially the test was performed to predict the leg press exercise to determine the percentage charge for the exercise thereof during the experiment. The volunteers underwent two interventions separated by an interval of 72 hours, both with the same volume and intensity in the leg press exercise, 3 sets of 15 repetitions with 60% 1RM, interval time between sets 60 seconds and moderate speed, according to the following positions: P1) leg press performed in the sitting position and P2) leg press in supine position. IOP was obtained using the Perkins tonometer in three moments: M1) immediately before exercise; M2) immediately after the third series; M3) three minutes after completion of third grade. Each sequence was obtained by measuring the position of their exercise performance.

Results  We found that in both positions there was a significant drop in IOP after exercise (M2), remained significantly reduced after three minutes of recovery (M3). However, there was no difference in IOP second position (P1 and P2), regardless of time of measurement (M1, M2 and M3).

Conclusion  There was a decrease in IOP due to resistance exercise and was not observes differential response of IOP of IOP according to the position of the exercise.

Intraocular pressure/physiology; Exercise; Resistance training; Posture

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