Open-access Clinical features of diabetic patients with dry eye disease in a community in Maceio: a cross-sectional study

Características clínicas de pacientes diabéticos com olho seco em uma comunidade de Maceió: estudo transversal


Objective:  This study was carried out in order to assess the epidemiological profile of symptomatic dry eye in diabetic patients.

Methods:  Two hundred and twenty-one diabetic patients were evaluated using a specific questionnaire about other diseases and drugs. Of these, 58 who classified as having moderate to severe dry eye were included.

Results:  In this study, 58 of the 221 diabetic patients had moderate to severe dry eye (26.2%). Of the 58 patients, dry eye was more prevalent at age 61.46 ± 14.18 years for men, and 61.09 ± 10.64 for women (p<0.005). Dry eye was more common in women (75.9%) (p=0.456). Of the 58 patients, 15 (25.9%) had at least one ocular disease.The most common was diabetic retinopathy (13 of 15 patients, 86.7%, 95% CI 69.46-103.87). A total of 19 patients used eye drops (32.8%); and most (14 of the 19 individuals, 73.7%) used lubricants (95%CI 53.88-93.48). Hypertension was the most prevalent associated comorbidity (56.9%) and the most commonly used medications were hypoglycemic agents (98 %, 95%CI 94.00 - 101.92) and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (53.1%, 95%CI 53.06 39.09 - 67.04).

Conclusion:  Further epidemiologic studies need to be done to establish a real etiologic relationship between diabetes and dry eye, and its correlation to other risk factors. In spite of these limitations, we have strong evidence of this relationship, and in clinical practice, examination for dry eye should be part of the assessment of diabetic disease.

Keywords: Dry eye/epidemiology; Diabetes mellitus/complications, critical patient, epidemiology, profile

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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