Open-access State of the art in chromovitrectomy

Estado da arte da cromovitrectomia

Vitrectomy is a surgery that involves complex and delicate techniques that treat diseases such as macular hole, epiretinal membrane and diabetic macular edema. Chromovitrectomy is one of these techniques and includes the use of coloring agents such as vital dyes or crystals to enhanced visibility of transparent structures during vitrectomy. The aim of this study was to present a modern approach, based on scientific evidence, about the application and indication of vital coloring agents during vitrectomy. The use of such agents has made this surgery more predictable and has increased its post-operative prognosis. Although research on chromovitrectomy is currently expanding there is still not an established gold standard dyeing agent.

Vitrectomy; Vitreous body; Macular hole; Retina; Dyeing agents; Epiretinal membrane

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