Open-access Epidemiological analysis of accidents with biological material in an eye hospital


Objective:  To analyze the incidence and characteristics of accidents with biological material in an ophthalmology hospital in the Northeast of Brazil.

Methods:  Retrospective descriptive study on ducted through a survey of biological material accidents notified by Comunicação de Acidentes de Trabalho (CAT) during 2010-2013.

Results:  34 accidents were reported, 26 (76.5%) workers were females and 8 (23.5%) were males. The mean age was 30.0 ± 5.9 years. Forty-eight (82.3%) accidents occurred in the surgical room of the hospital, 15 (44.1%) were with auxiliary / practical nurses, 8 (23.5%) with surgical technologists, 5 (14.7%) with training physicians, 4 (11.8%) with trained physicians and 2 (5.9%) with cleaning staff. Accidents were with percutaneus in 30 (88.2%) cases, and contact with mucosa in 4 (11.7%). In 28 (82.4%) cases the accident was in the upper limb, 4 (11.8%) in the face, and 2 (5.8%) in the lower limbs. The accident occurred during surgery in 12 (35.3%) and 10 (29.4%) during manipulation of the material after surgery. The injuries occurred with employees who had an average of two years of experience and after 5.5 hours worked.

Conclusion:  Occupational accidents with biological material in an ophthalmology hospital were more frequent with auxiliary/practical nurses, during surgery and in the manipulation of instruments after surgery.This study demonstrated the importance of identifying risks of occupational accidents among health professionals in ophthalmology.

Keywords: Wounds, stab; Accidents, occupational; Biohazard release; Occupational health

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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