Open-access Análise morfológica comparativa e qualitativa da reação tecidual à colocação do alloplant™ (aloimplante) em pálpebra e dorso de coelhos


Purpose:  To compare by optical microscopy, tissue reaction caused by the Alloplant ™ to conjunctiva and backs of 24 rabbits.

Methods:  All rabbits underwent implantation of Alloplant ™ on the inner third of the lower eyelid, replacing the tarsal conjunctiva of one eye. After thirty days six rabbits (Group I) were sacrificed and lower eyelids of both sides and a back fragment (control) routed to optical microscopy. After sixty days six rabbits (group II) were sacrificed and their eyelids and a back fragment (control) sent for microscopic examination. That day were also performed surgical implantation of Alloplant ™ on the back of the twelve remaining rabbits. They were sacrificed ninety days (group III) and one hundred and twenty days (group IV) after the first surgery of the eyelids and microscopic study backs.

Results:  The “Alloplant™” (aloimplante), caused an intense inflammatory reaction, mixed exudative and proliferative with a predominance of lymphocytes, macrophages and formation of foreign body granulomas in both locations, which evolved with the replacement of the implant by dense fibrous connective tissue.

Conclusion:  eyelid inflammatory reaction was more intense and more prolonged in the eyelid than in the back. In the back the formation of fibrosis was more intense, what is not suitable for eyelid surgery.

Keywords: Experimental implants; Histology; Eyelids; Ambulatory surgical procedures; Microscopy; Rabbits

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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