Open-access Corneal ulcer: a retrospective study of a cases seen at the Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Espirito Santo

Purpose:  To identify the major etiological agents of UC in the main referral center for this disease in the state of Espírito Santo (Hospital Universitario Cassiano Antonio de Moraes – HUCAM).

Methods:  This is a retrospective study of UC cases that underwent microbiological analysis from january 2009 to june 2013 at HUCAM.

Results:  Three hundred ninety-eight cases were studied. Microbiological cultures were positive in 60% and negative in 40% of cases. The Gram stain was positive in 28%, negative in 61% and was not performed in 11%.Among the total number of tests, 16.3% were classified as insufficient material for analysis.The microbiological examination, including gram stain and culture, was positive in 250 tests (62.8%). It was identified bacteria in 48%, fungi in 17.6% and protozoa in 0,8% of cases.

Conclusions:  The study identified the main etiological agents involved in the UC at HUCAM. Hence, it provides data that can help physicians to do a better presumptive diagnosis and a more appropirate initial empirical treatment when indicated. Gram positive bacteria and filamentous fungi have a prominent role in the etiology of UC in ES.

Corneal ulcer; Eye infections

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