Open-access Cogan Reese syndrome


Study conducted to report a case of Cogan Reese syndrome. Female patient, 55 years old with diagnosis of Cogan Reese syndrome. Best visual acuity of 0.67 in the right eye and 0.2 in the left eye. By biomicroscopic examination there was no abnormalities in the right eye. In the left eye there were pigmented nodules on the anterior surface of the iris, corneal irregularities and iris hole (pseudopolycoria). The intraocular pressure was 18 mmHg in the left eye and there was glaucomatous optic atrophy of the optic disk. The patient had been subjected to trabeculectomy three years ago. Recently medical treatment allowed the relative control of intraocular pressure. Gonioscopy revealed peripheral anterior synechiae. Corneal specular microscopy showed ICE-cells and low cell count. Glaucoma filtering surgery is usually successful when done early, but it may fail due to endothelialization of the fistula by the abnormal corneal endothelium. Medical treatment was effective despite a fail trabeculectomy.

Descritores: Glaucoma; Corneal dieseases/diagnosis; Iris dieseases/pathology; Endothelium, corneal/pathology; Syndrome; Case reports

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