Open-access The main findings in histopathological examination of human corneal buttons with lymphangiogenesis

Objective:  To detect the presence of lymphatic vessels in the cornea through histopathological examination, trying to identify findings that are most commonly found with the presence of these vessels in this tissue.

Methods:  Retrospective descriptive study of human corneal buttons with lymphangiogenesis. Tissues were obtained from penetrating keratoplasty in the period between the years 2006 and 2013. A medical record review was conducted looking for information about sex, age and graft etiology.

Results:  89 corneal buttons were included, out of which 37 were from female patients and 52 were from male patients. The average age was 47.70 ± 23.95 years (mean ± SD). Lymphangiogenesis was found mainly associated with hemangiogenesis. However, isolated lymphangiogenesis was observed in 28 (31.46%) patients. In 18 (20.22%) cases were found an amount of lymphatic vessels approximately four times higher than that found in most part of the sample. A lot of cases were found in inflammatory conditions such as infection and perforation. Near the lymphangiogenesis, we found many cases of anterior synechia and myofibroblasts. In 17 (16.35%) cases, no change was observed in the vicinity of corneal lymphatic vessels.

Conclusions:  We demonstrated through a histopathological examination, that findings admittedly associated with lymphangiogenesis like inflamamatory processes, are also frequently found in cases of human corneas that have lymphatic vessels. However, other findings such as lymphangiogenesis without the presence of angiogenesis, the presence of a greater amount of vessels in some cases and lymphangiogenesis without changes in its proximity remain in need of a better understanding.

Lymphangiogenesis; Angiogenesis; Cornea/pathology; keratoplasty

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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