Open-access Influence of the home environmental affordances in the mobility of children with low vision mobility: functional skills and caregiver assistance


Objective:  To analyse and correlate the influence of the present affordances in the home environment in the functional skills and the level of caregiver assistance for the mobility of children with low vision and normal vision.

Methods:  Participated seven children with low vision diagnosis (32.29 ± 7.09 months) and seven with normal vision (31.57 ± 6.90 months). The instruments used were Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development - Self Report (AHEMD-SR) and Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) relative to the parties I (functional skills) and II (caregiver assistance) for the mobility area.

Results:  According to PEDI, there was no significant difference between children with low vision and normal vision in functional skills (U=13.5; p=0.076) and caregiver assistance (U=13.0; p=0.083) in the mobility area, however there was moderate correlation (r=+0.756; p=0.049) between the parties I and II for children with low vision. In AHEMD-SR, children with low vision showed significant differences in the subscales: fine-motor (U=7.5; p=0.024), gross-motor (U=7.5; p=0.024), and AHEMD total (U=8.0; p=0.035). However, both children received classification "average" for the affordances in the home environment.

Conclusion:  Children with low vision showed no differences in functional skills and caregiver assistance in the mobility. And the home environment offered reasonable affordances, which favored the functional skills and caregiver´s assistance in the mobility.

Keywords: Low vision; Motor skill; Mobility; Environment; Child

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