Open-access Drop volume of artificial tear solutions: pharmacoeconomic study


Objective:  To determine the mean drop volume produced by artificial tear solutions in different inclination angles and to determine the mean cost of the treatment.

Methods:  The drop volume of 3 original bottles of the artificial tear solutions Artelac®, Hylo Comod®, Lacrima® Plus, Systane® UL, Lacrifilm®, Hyabak®, Lacribell®, Ecofilm®, Mirugell®, Plenigell®, Fresh Tears®, Optive® and Endura® were determined at the inclination of 90º and 45º. The mean number of drops in each bottle was determined and a pharmacoeconomic evaluation of the drops was made.

Results:  The drop volume ranged from 32.2 to 64.0 µL at 45º and from 29.1 to 65.1 µL at 90º. The difference between drops in each inclination varied from 2 to 24%. The annual cost was from R$2,73 to R$130,73 according to the inclination of the bottle. The Maximum Duration of Treatment (MDT) was from 29.3 to 51.4 days at 45o and from 28.8 to 48.4 days at 90º, being the difference in MDT from 0.5 to 8 more or less days depending on each brand.

Conclusion:  None of the collyria studied presented ideal drops for human eyes, leading to a waste of the product and higher cost for the manufacturer and the consumer. We noted that there is a significant variation in the drop volume according to the inclination of the bottle, and that a variation of over 10% would bring financial impact for the patient.

Keywords: Ophthalmic solutions/administration & dosage; Ophthalmic solutions/economic; Medications instillation; Lubricant eyedrops; Pharmacoeconomics

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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