Open-access Use of Nanoskin for volume replacement of the eye socket


Objective:  The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of Nanoskin for replacing volume in enucleated or eviscerated anophthalmic sockets of rabbits.

Methods:  An experimental study was carried out using enucleated or eviscerated rabbits, which received Nanoskin implants (Innovatecs®, São Carlos, Brazil), a cellulose produced by a bacteria (Acetobacter xylinum) using green tea as substrate. Implants of 10mm diameter/5mm of thickness were used placed in enucleated (G1) or eviscerated (G2) anophthalmic sockets of 21 rabbits.They were clinically examined daily, sacrificed at 7, 30 and 90 days after surgery and the material was removed and prepared for histological examination.

Results:  There were discrete signs of inflammation in the immediate postoperative period, with no evidence of infection or extrusion in any animal. However apparent reduction of volume during the trial period occurred. Histologically both groups were similar, with inflammatory cells (mainly monocytes and neutrophils), fibrin and hemaceas at 7 days postoperatively.The Nanoskin was presented as small pink spheres, with small gaps between them and permeated by few inflammatory cells. These cells have changed over the study, at 30 days multinucleated giant cells and mature fibroblasts that permeate the implant were observed. At 90 days, the structure of the implant was disorganized, amorphous, with necrotic debris and ovoid areas covered with thin pink membrane that seemed to cluster, empty or filled with no cellular pink or gray material.

Conclusion:  Nanoskin caused an inflammatory reaction leading to reabsorption and reduction of implant volume. New formulations should be studied in order to have a permanent product to repair the anophthalmic socket.

Keywords: Anophthalmos/therapy; Biocompatible materials; Cellulose/metabolism; Prostheses and implants; Eye enucleation; Eye evisceration; Rabbits

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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