Open-access Macular granuloma due to tuberculosis without pulmonary symptoms


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.The main site of involvement is the lung, but the bacillus may spread by hematogenous/lymph systems to other organs, including the eye.The incidence of ocular TB is 1-2% of extra-pulmonary cases. The authors present a case of a 28 years old female patient seeking medical care due to reduction of visual acuity in the left eye for 8 days. She had the best corrected visual acuity in the affected eye of 20/200, and the opposite eye was 20/20. At fundoscopy was shown a granuloma in the macular area of the left eye, with retinal edema and hemorrhage. After diagnostic investigation the patient was treated with antibiotic therapy for tuberculosis during 6 months, obtaining lesion regression and visual acuity improvement to 20/50.

Keywords: Tuberculosis, ocular/diagnosis; Tuberculosis, ocular/drug therapy; Macula lútea; Uveitis/diagnosis; Uveitis/therapy; Case reports

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