Open-access Characteristics of corneal donations in state of Piauí

Objective:  To describe the profile of corneal donations obtained by Ocular Tissue Bank, Hospital Getúlio Vargas (BTOC-HGV), assess the quality of the captured tissue and list the indications for corneal transplant.

Methods:  Retrospective study of registered donors in BTOC-HGV in the period 2008-2011. Collected data were: age, gender and cause of death of the donor, enucleation time, preservation time, quality of the donated cornea, causes of discards and indications for penetrating keratoplasty in BTOC.

Results:  Were analyzed 311 records of donor cornea BTOC-HGV. The number of donations increased from 9 in 2008 to 80 in 2009, 109 in 2010 and 113 in 2011. Most donors were male. The average age of the donors was 43.00 ± 16.01 years. The majority of transplanted corneas (78.6%) was optics. Were discarded 7.16% of corneal optics, mostly by new tectonic classification and detection of positive serology. The time of enucleation was 3.77 ± 2.18 hours and preservation was 6.86 ± 6.10 hours. The most frequent causes of death were external causes, followed by diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive and genitourinary systems. The main indication for transplantation was bullous keratopathy, followed by keratoconus and corneal perforation.

Conclusion:  This study demonstrated the existence of factors associated with quality of corneas by BTOC as age, time between enucleation and preservation and cause of death. The main indication for transplantation was bullous keratopathy.

Corneal transplantation, donor tissue; tissue preservation; Eyes bank; Bullous keratopathy

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