Open-access Comparison of Pentacam data in patients with diagnostic criteria for keratoconus in only one eye

Comparação dos dados do Pentacam em pacientes com critérios diagnósticos de ceratocone em apenas um olho


Purpose:  To compare data extracted from the Pentacam exam in patients with keratoconus in one eye and form fruste keratoconus in the other eye.

Setting:  Private clinic in São Paulo, Brazil.

Design:  Retrospective review.

Methods:  This study reviewed charts of patients with keratoconus in one eye and forme fruste keratoconus (FFKC) in the other, from January to December 2019. All subjects were evaluated with a rotating Scheimpflug imaging system. Twenty-two eyes of 11 patients were compared, and only one eye had established diagnostic criteria for keratoconus. Given this, 38 variables obtained through Pentacam were compared.

Results:  In eyes with keratoconus, several parameters exhibit significant alterations compared to those with FFK eyes. Notably, Belin elevation and posterior and total densitometry remain consistently significant, indicating early changes in mild forms of the disease and progression over time. Additionally, indicators such as IVA, KI, IHD, posterior elevation of BFTA, and R min demonstrate notable changes in FFKC eyes. Among these, the index of height decentration (IHD) stands out, with the highest alteration rate of 81.8% in FFKC patients. Furthermore, parameters like the D index (total), EI posterior, and Maximum posterior elevation with BFS, IHD, Kmax, and Q value demonstrate high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in distinguishing FFKC from control eyes. Kmax, Belin Ambrósio Posterior Elevation, IHD, and posterior elevation of best-fit reference sphere (BFS Posterior Elevation) emerge as the most altered parameters in FFKC.

Conclusion:  We considered the IHD, the BFS posterior elevation, Kmax, asphericity, Belin-Ambrósio display, and decentration of the thinnest point as sensitive indicators for initial keratoconus cases, IHD being the most accurate of them.

Keywords: Keratoconus; Topography; Tomography, optic coherence; Dilatation, pathologic


Objetivo:  Comparar os dados extraídos do exame Pentacam em pacientes com ceratocone em um olho e ceratocone frusto no outro olho.

Local:  Clínica privada em São Paulo, Brasil.

Desenho do estudo:  Revisão retrospectiva.

Métodos:  Este estudo revisou prontuários de pacientes com ceratocone em um olho e ceratocone forma frusta (FFKC) no outro, de janeiro a dezembro de 2019. Todos os indivíduos foram avaliados com um sistema de imagem Scheimpflug rotativo. Vinte e dois olhos de 11 pacientes foram comparados, e apenas um olho tinha critérios diagnósticos estabelecidos para ceratocone. Diante disso, 38 variáveis obtidas através do Pentacam foram comparadas.

Resultados:  Em olhos com ceratocone, vários parâmetros apresentam alterações significativas em relação àqueles com olhos FFKC. Notavelmente, a elevação de Belin e a densitometria posterior e total permanecem consistentemente significativas, indicando mudanças precoces nas formas leves da doença e progressão ao longo do tempo. Além disso, indicadores como IVA, KI, IHD, elevação posterior do BFTA e R min demonstram alterações notáveis nos olhos do FFKC. Dentre estes, destaca-se o índice de descentração da altura (IHD), com maior taxa de alteração de 81,8% nos pacientes com FFKC. Além disso, parâmetros como o índice D (total), IE posterior e elevação máxima posterior com BFS, IHD, Kmáx e valor de Q demonstram alta acurácia, sensibilidade e especificidade na distinção entre o FFKC e o olho controle. Kmax, Belin Ambrósio Elevação Posterior, IHD e elevação posterior utilizando BFS (BFS Posterior Elevation) emergem como os parâmetros mais alterados no FFKC.

Conclusão:  Consideramos o IHD, a elevação posterior com BFS, Kmáx, a asfericidade, o Belin-Ambrósio e a descentração do ponto mais fino como indicadores sensíveis para os casos iniciais de ceratocone, sendo o IHD o mais preciso.

Descritores: Ceratocone; Topografia; Tomografia de coerência óptica; Dilatação patológica


Keratoconus is a chronic, non-inflammatory, bilateral corneal ectasia characterized by pathological progressive cornea thinning, causing a cone-shaped protrusion, irregular astigmatism, decreased vision, and potential blindness.(1,2)

Although a bilateral condition, the disease is usually asymmetrical, and only one eye may be initially affected. The ectasia can be diagnosed by the modified Rabinowitz-McDonnell criteria, considering a central corneal keratometry (K) value greater than 47.2 diopters (D), a difference in refractive power between an inferior region and superior (I-S) of the cornea in the same eye greater than 1.4 D and the difference in the central K value between the two eyes of the patient.(35)

However, the diagnosis of subclinical keratoconus is still a challenge. According to the 2015 Global Consensus on Keratoconus and Ectatic Diseases, subclinical keratoconus presents abnormalities on the posterior surface of the cornea, being best detected by the corneal Sheimpflug tomography method instead of the traditional topography. Although corneal tomographers provide several markers for the early detection of keratoconus,(6) there is still ongoing scientific search for the best early markers of the disease.(711)

Even with technologies such as corneal epithelial mapping, corneal tomography, and corneal biomechanics, diagnosing forme fruste keratoconus (FFKC) in refractive surgery screening is still challenging.(6) Thus, cases that can achieve a classic diagnosis using the Rabinowitz criteria in one eye and do not meet the criteria in the other eye are fundamental for the study and for understanding the indices from more advanced technologies in detecting FFKC.

We aimed to compare Pentacam (Oculus, Weitzlar, Germany) parameters of patients diagnosed with manifest keratoconus in one eye and subclinical disease in the contralateral eye to find early subclinical disease markers.


Study design

This is a retrospective case-control study that adheres to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Ethics Committee of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. All patients included provided informed consent. We used the database of Ophthalmological Private Clinic, REDEMO clinic (São Paulo, Brazil).

Study group

We used Rabinowitz's criteria to diagnose keratoconus. Patients whose keratoconus was diagnosed in one eye and whose contralateral eye did not meet classic diagnostic criteria were included in the study.

The eyes were divided into a keratoconus group (keratoconus itself [KC]) and a control group (forme fruste keratoconus or subclinical disease, contralateral eye [FFKC]). We analyzed another group without keratoconus in both eyes (to serve as a control).

Eleven patients were selected from a Scheimpflug Pentacam corneal tomography database.

Exclusion criteria were diagnostic criteria for keratoconus in both eyes, corneal opacity, previous surgeries, or other ocular diseases.

Data extraction

Only cases with acceptable-quality images and without extrapolated data were included in the study.

The following parameters were evaluated with the Scheimpflug system: corneal dioptric power on the flattest meridian in the central 3.0 mm zone (K), the value of I-S, dioptric asymmetry in the sagittal I-S, and tangential I-S curvature maps, the central keratoconus index (CKI), the best reference sphere (BFS), the minimum sagittal curve (Rmin), the maximum Ambrósio thickness ratio (ARTmax), the total deviation of the five parameters (D), deviation of ARTmax (Da), best fit toric and aspheric surface (BFTA), posterior map elevation deviation (Db), frontal map elevation deviation (Df), pachymetric progression deviation (Dp), minimum thickness deviation (Dt), index of height asymmetry (IHA), index of height decentration (IHD), index of surface variance (ISV), index of vertical asymmetry (IVA), keratoconus index (KI), maximum keratometry (Kmax), lower difference I-S, the superior nasal-inferior temporal difference (SN-IT), and corneal asphericity (Q value).

Elevation was standardized compared to a best-fit reference sphere (BFS) calculated by a fixed optical zone of 9.0 mm.

The difference in posterior elevation values were extrapolated from the elevation maps by subtracting the highest and lowest elevation values.

The data was classified as altered, borderline, and not altered, according to the standard values established by the device.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20 software, and a p-value of less than 0.05 was statistically significant. Due to the sample size, we used the Shapiro-Wilk test to evaluate sample normality. Since the sample was normal, we used parametric tests: t student, Chi-squared, Fisher, and two proportion tests. We also used logistic regression and Receiver Operating Characteristic curves in our study.


We compared 22 eyes of 11 patients diagnosed with keratoconus to a control group without Rabinowitz Criteria for keratoconus (FFKC), consisting of 20 eyes of 10 patients classified as normal.

Qualitative and quantitative parameters from Pentacam, totaling 38 variables, were analyzed. The Chi-squared test was employed for quantitative analysis, categorizing corneal alteration - presence or absence (Table 1).

Table 1
Comparing normal and studied groups

Notable differences between keratoconus and FFKC were observed. Parameters such as Belin elevation and posterior and total densitometry remained consistently significant in keratoconus eyes, indicating early changes and disease progression. The analysis shows factors distinguishing an advanced keratoconus from FFKC, such as ISV, greater posterior delta elevation BFS and BFTA, thinner pachymetry, ARTmax, and group D parameters (Df, Db, Dp, Dt, Da, D), which are more suitable for severity stratification, factors that were not sensible for severity or presence of disease, such as corneal volume or anterior densitometry, and factors that are already shown to be altered in subclinical cases, that is, that can be used for early detection.

In table 2, we performed a univariate logistic model to predict the odds ratio of each variable being altered in manifest or subclinical eyes concerning the control group of entirely normal eyes.

Table 2
Logistic regression to understand the relationship of each variable in the prediction of being keratoconus or Forme Fruste Keratoconus (FFKC) in reference to normal population

We observed that the CHORD μ, the minimum, average, and maximum pachymetry progressions, and the Dp presented an odds ratio of less than 1 in patients with FFKC and greater than 1 in patients with KC, suggesting that they are more altered in patients with KC.

Other indicators, such as IVA, KI, IHD, posterior elevation of BFTA and R min, showed changes in FFKC.

Finally, other parameters, such as BAD-D, were mainly altered in manifest forms and could be used as markers of KC; the most altered index was the total BAD-D index, and Db was altered in both KC and FFKC.

In table 3, comparing the alteration rates in the groups with KC and FFKC, we observe that the test with the highest alteration rate in patients with FFKC is the IHD (81.8%). However, it is not considered statistically different from the greater BFS posterior elevation (45.5%, p-value <0,05), which is different from the other indices. The most altered parameters in FFKC were Kmax, Belin-Ambrósio Posterior Elevation, IHD, and BFS Posterior Elevation.

Table 3
Comparing alteration rate between keratoconus and Forme Fruste Keratoconus groups

Among patients with KC, the tests with the highest discrimination rate are also IHD and the maximum posterior BFS elevation, both 100%, thus being more altered in the group with keratoconus. However, they were only statistically higher than the ISV, ART MAX, Da, Kmax, Dt, thinner pachymetry, Delta posterior elevation BFTA, and CHORD μ in this group.

Table 4 compares the altered indexes between FFKC and normal patients. The values were statistically significant, except for Rmin (p-value 0,118), Thinnest Pachymetry (p-value 0,355), ISV (p-value 1,000), VAT (p-value 1,000), KI p-value 1,000), IHA (p-value 0,355), Dt (p-value 0,118), Da (p-value 0,118), CKI (p-value 1,000), Chord μ (p-value 1,000), Delta posterior elevation BFS (p-value 1,000), and BFTA (p-value 1,000). The indexes with greater accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity were the D index (total), EI posterior, and Maximum posterior elevation with BFS, IHD, Kmax, and Q value.

Table 4
Comparing alteration rate between Forme Fruste Keratoconus and normal groups

Receiver Operating Characteristic curves were utilized to establish an early marker for FFKC, with statistical significance found in various parameters when comparing FFKC with keratoconus and normal eyes. Parameters meeting the criteria of statistical significance, sensitivity, and specificity greater than 80% included KI (sensitivity 83.30% and specificity 95%), IHD (sensitivity 83.3% and specificity 85%), LRP (sensitivity and SP 100%), and Delta posterior curvature (sensitivity and specificity 100%). Cut-off values were determined as 1.025 (KI), 0.0155 (IHD), 2.3 (LRP), and 4.455 (Delta posterior curvature).


Our study aimed to explore subclinical keratoconus (FFKC) and to compare it with manifest keratoconus, primarily focusing on identifying key parameters for early detection and improving prognosis. Our thorough analysis of Pentacam-derived tomographic indices uncovered several crucial factors for distinguishing eyes with FFKC.

Certain parameters, such as Kmax and Delta posterior BFTA elevation, demonstrated mild specificity in differentiating between KC and FFKC.(1226) In contrast to our findings, Smadja et al.(26) reported significant sensitivity and specificity for posterior elevation in FFKC. Additionally, Uçakhan et al. and Ozkan et al. (2,24) highlighted the significance of combining corneal power, thickness, and elevation data in detecting keratoconus and subclinical keratoconus, further emphasizing the importance of posterior elevation in subclinical cases.(27)

Studies by Awad et al. and Tian et al. underscored the effectiveness of indices like IHD in distinguishing FFKC from normal eyes.(22,27) Our findings align with these studies, with IHD demonstrating sensitivity as a topometric index for FFKC. Nicula et al. and Di Sanctis et al. also emphasized the significance of IVA, thinnest point (TP), and BAD-D in differentiating FFKC from normal eyes, highlighting the potential of these parameters in early diagnosis.(12,2529)

Our study particularly emphasizes IHD as a crucial parameter for early detection, potentially preceding changes observed in other indices.(22,27) The BAD-D index also exhibited high sensitivity in slightly more progressed subclinical cases, consistent with studies emphasizing its utility in detecting corneal ectasia.(10,11,1618)

While some parameters like corneal volume did not show relevance in our study, posterior and total densitometry emerged as crucial indicators for early diagnosis.(1921,30) Although significant in diagnosing keratoconus, the maximum Ambrósio thickness ratio showed a divergence between FFKC and manifest cones, suggesting its limited utility in subclinical cases.(22)

Our findings underscore the importance of vigilance towards IHD as a sensitive indicator for early keratoconus cases. Integration with other measures could enhance the detection of eyes predisposed to the disease, enabling early intervention and curbing disease progression. Further studies with larger samples are warranted to validate the effectiveness of our tools for diagnosing early keratoconus.

Receiver Operating Characteristic curve and area under the curve analyses yielded results consistent with the literature, except for corneal densitometry, posterior curvature, relative pachymetry, and delta elevation values.(30,31) These variables warrant further investigation in newer studies, especially densitometry, which has shown promise in recent research as a marker for keratoconus progression.

In summary, detecting FFKC remains challenging and requires the identification of optimal indices for early detection. Our study highlights the potential of IHD, the posterior elevation of BFS, Kmax, asphericity, BAD-D, and decentration of the TP as sensitive indicators for initial keratoconus cases. Additionally, variables such as relative pachymetry, posterior curvature, delta posterior elevation and curvature, and densitometry may prove useful in early detection and require further exploration in future studies.


Our study highlights the importance of early detection of keratoconus and fruste keratoconus through analysis of Pentacam parameters. We identified several sensitive markers for early disease detection, including index of height decentration, best-fit sphere posterior elevation, maximum keratometry, asphericity, Belin-Ambrósio display, and decentration of the thinnest point as sensitive indicators for initial keratoconus cases, the index of height decentration being the most accurate.

These results offer valuable insights to improve clinical diagnosis and can guide future research in the area. Early detection of these conditions can lead to early interventions and improve clinical outcomes for patients.

  • Institution: Private Clinic, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Financial support: no financial support for this work.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    07 Feb 2024
  • Accepted
    08 June 2024
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