Open-access Interdisciplinary approach between dentistry and speech-language pathology in treatment of children with early childhood caries

The integration of interdisciplinary dental and speech therapy can provide adequate treatment of dental and myofunctional alterations. In this case report, the dental treatment of three-year-old children with early childhood caries, premature loss of primary maxillary incisors due trauma, esthetic and functional rehabilitation and myofunctional therapy is presented. The dental care procedures included oral hygiene instructions, dietary recommendations and resin composite restorations of teeth 64, 84, 85, 74 and 75 (occlusal surface) and 51, 61, 52 and 62 (smooth surface) which were affected by dental caries. After one year of follow-up, teeth 51 and 61 were extracted (dental trauma history reported in first appointment), because the teeth presented extensive external reabsorption. Subsequently, esthetic and functional space maintainers were placed in the maxillary anterior region. Speech evaluation was performed using the MBGR protocol (orofacial myofunctional), in which the orofacial functions, mobility and muscular tone were analyzed. Scores were attributed to each item available in the protocol. Thus, the difficulty of lip and tongue movements were confirmed, in addition to reduced cheek tonus and alterations in speech. Myofunctional therapy was instituted for three months, once a week and this led to improvement in all aspects, with changes being confirmed by adequate scores obtained in application of the MBRG protocol. After dental treatment, clinical results satisfactory to both children and parents were observed. It was concluded that interdisciplinary approach involving dentistry and myofunctional therapy provided adequate treatment for oral conditions presented by children, providing oral health and favorable prognosis.

Dental Caries; Tooth Avulsion; Tooth, Deciduous; Pediatric Dentistry; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences; Myofunctional Therapy

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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