Open-access Parental care for infants with feeding tube: psychosocial repercussions

Cuidado de los padres para lactantes con sondas de alimentación: repercusiones psicosociales


Objectives:  to understand the psychosocial repercussions experienced by caregiving parents, resulting from care for the child with dysphagic cleft lip and palate.

Methods:  qualitative study, developed in a tertiary hospital in September 2016. The sample defined by theoretical saturation consisted of seven mothers. Data collection was performed by unstructured interview, being audio-recorded and fully transcribed. Symbolic Interactionism was used as theoretical framework, and Thematic Content Analysis as methodological framework.

Results:  the following themes emerged: diagnosisimpact and coping; coping with overload and stress; interaction between caregivers as an acceptance and coping strategy; impact on family and social life of caregivers; and curiosity coping, and family and community prejudice.

Final considerations:  despite the physical and emotional overload, the mother figure plays the main and determining role in care, reflecting the complexity of care.

Descriptors: Deglutition Disorders; Family Relations; Cleft Lip; Cleft Palate; Caregivers

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