Open-access Social network of children with cronic disease: knowledge and practice of nursing

Red social de niños con enfermedad crónica: conocimiento y práctica de enfermeras


Objectives:  To identify the knowledge and practice of primary care nurses about the social network approach for families of children with chronic diseases.

Methods:  Qualitative research, conducted by means of interviews with 23 family health nurses, from one municipality in Paraíba and one in Rio de Janeiro, from June to July of 2017. The data were interpreted using thematic analysis.

Results:  Social network meant institutional support offered by services outside the unit, and socioeconomic problems involved the family context. In practice, nurses find it difficult to provide comprehensive care and establish ties with families. When referring to other professionals, a weakness in the counter-referral to the family health unit is found.

Final considerations:  Some gaps were found regarding the knowledge and practice of nurses regarding the social network approach, which requires professional training to strengthen social relationships and the necessary support for families of children with chronic diseases.

Descriptors: Social Networking; Chronic Disease; Child Health; Primary Health Care; Pediatric Nursing

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