Open-access Nurse to adolescent health communication process: approach to Event History Calendar

El proceso de comunicación en salud de la enfermería con el adolescente: un enfoque desde el Event History Calendar


Objectives:  comprehend the Event History Calendar components that are relevant for the nurse to adolescent communicative process, in the context of Primary Health Care.

Methods:  reflective study, based on the Event History Calendar approach, in the relational, communicative, and educational dimensions.

Results:  best practices for adolescent health promotion are vital and constitute a challenge to nurses. The Event History Calendar is a potential tool for research and care practices to comprehend the needs of adolescents, with reminder of key personal events, culturally and socially specific. The comprehension of retrospective data referring to activities, behaviors, experiences and transitions of life, in certain periods of time, enables dialogue and new understandings about the history of adolescents.

Final Considerations:  the Event History Calendar provides nursing professionals with an expansion of their practice in educational, relational, and communicative dimensions, as well as to instruct care planning and management.

Descriptors: Health Communication; Nursing; Adolescent; Health Promotion; Public Health Nursing

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