Open-access Thematic content analysis using ATLAS.ti software: Potentialities for researchs in health

Análisis temático de contenido mediante el software ATLAS.ti: potencialidades para las investigaciones en salud


Objective:  to describe the most important tools of ATLAS.ti Software and to associate them with the procedures of Thematic Content Analysis.

Method:  It is a theoretical reflection of the Content Analysis phases of Laurence Bardin, associating them with software tools Atlas.ti and showing its usefulness for data analysis in qualitative research.

Results:  historical contextualization and the available resources of Atlas.ti software with presentation of health research involving the phases of thematic content analysis.

Final considerations:  The Atlas.ti software assists in the accomplishment of the thematic content analysis being this promising association in health research.

Descriptors: Qualitative Research; Qualitative Analysis; Software; Information Management; Primary Health Care

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