Open-access Armed conflict at primary care: challenges for practice and training

Conflicto armado en la atención primaria: desafíos para la formación y práctica profesional


Objectives:  to analyze the training of Family Health Strategy health professionals who work in dangerous territories affected by the armed conflict and its consequences in their practice.

Methods:  a qualitative-intervention research carried out with thirteen health professionals, using as a theoretical-methodological framework the institutional socioclinic.

Results:  they present and discuss from the analysis of implications of researcher and participants with training, and professional practices and transformations that occurred as intervention work progresses.

Final considerations:  learning strategies should incorporate empirical and scientifically proven knowledge. Thus, the spectrum of this knowledge would expand dynamically where the situation of violence in its manifestation of armed conflict is a social and political issue and not just a gap in training.

Descriptors: Armed Conflicts; Violence; Professional Training in Health; Professional Practice; Primary Health Care

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