Open-access Implementation of the protocol of nursing care in trauma in aeromedical service

Implementación del protocolo de la atención de enfermería en el trauma en servicio aeromédico


Objective:  To analyze the implementation of a nursing care protocol for trauma patients before, during and after the flight.

Method:  A cross-sectional quantitative study carried out in an aeromedical service, using a checklist with 106 care: 79 before flight, 25 during, and 2 after flight. 97 patients were included in the study.

Results:  Most care (n = 59; 55.7%) was implemented, totaling 4,435, 1,480 and 192 cares performed before, during and after the flight, respectively. They stood out as unrealized care: protect ears with ear muffler (n = 55) and avoid leaving the pulse oximeter exposed to the sun’s rays (n = 22). The main reason for the non-performance was lack of appeal (n = 94).

Conclusion:  Although most protocol care has been implemented, unrealized care compromises the quality of care, which requires the management of the service to provide more incentive to nurses and adequate resources for its implementation.

Descriptors: Nursing Assessment; Advanced Trauma Life Support Care; Aerospace Medicine; Emergency Medical Services; Emergency Nursing

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