Open-access Health education in Aedes aegypti: case study

Educación en salud en torno al Aedes aegypti: un reporte de experiencia


Objectives:  Reporting the experience of health education regarding Aedes aegypti in the Federal District.

Methods:  This is a case report, with descriptive approach, about the experience of nursing practice with education actions against the Aedes aegypti in communities of the Federal District, carried out between 2015 and 2018. Subjects of the research were undergraduate students in nursing, healthcare professionals, and the community.

Results:  There have been 24 educational interventions against Aedes aegypti, adapted to the needs of each population, using a “giant” sculpture of the mosquito, theater performances, lectures, booklets, and home visits.

Conclusions:  The project trained teachers, healthcare professionals, graduate students in nursing, and the community through the empowerment of this population, aiming at combating the Aedes aegypti vector.

Descriptors: Aedes aegypti; Primary Healthcare Nursing; Innovation; Primary Prevention of the Disease; Health Education

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