Open-access The theme of violence in nursing theses from the view of technological toolboxes

La temática de la violencia en las tesis de enfermería bajo la perspectiva de las cajas de herramientas tecnológicas


Objective:  To characterize the data gathering technological tools used in nursing theses on violence from the view of “technological toolboxes”.

Method:  It is a descriptive and documental study, with a qualitative approach, based on Thesis available in the last ten volumes of the Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations of the Center of Nursing Studies and Research (CEPEn). Documents presenting technological tools during the data gathering of its studies were selected, and then classified using “technological toolboxes” according to Merhy.

Results:  30 theses were selected, data gathering tools were classified in “technological toolboxes” as lightweight, light-hard, and hard technologies, with uniformity in most researches (23; 76.6%).

Conclusion:  Given it is a multifaced phenomenon, violence demands a deeper view, using the most diverse tools for its proper understanding and classification.

Descriptors: Violence; Nursing; Research Design; Investigative Techniques; Nursing Research

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