Open-access Tarsila do Amaral and Glete de Alcântara: history in art and photography

Tarsila do Amaral y Glete de Alcântara: historia en arte y fotografia


Objectives:  to analyze the canvas “Retrato de Glete de Alcântara” (freely translated as Portrait of Glete de Alcântara) and discuss the effect of the canvas for Tarsila do Amaral and for Brazilian nursing.

Methods:  a study in the historical perspective, in the field of visual culture, with analysis in two phases: pre-iconography and iconography.

Results:  Tarsila do Amaral brings up the woman Glete de Alcântara without the attributes that identify nursing. In this sense, the representation of women on the canvas is a person aligned with the hairstyle of her time, elegantly dressed, with seriousness and haughtiness accentuated by a fixed and directed look.

Final considerations:  an attempt was made to advance beyond Glete de Alcântara’s professional life and her portrayed relationship networks, as well as to approach Tarsila do Amaral’s trajectory, beyond the aesthetics and recognition gained.

Descriptors: History; History of Nursing; Photography; Nursing; Art

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