Open-access Professional skills for health promotion in caring for tuberculosis patients

Habilidades profesionales para la promoción de la salud en el cuidado de pacientes con tuberculosis


Objectives:  to understand the health promotion skills found in the speeches of health practitioners in care for TB patients.

Methods:  qualitative study, developed with seven practitioners involved in care for TB patients, identified from a sociocentric approach, whose speeches were submitted to analysis based on the health promotion skills model in the Galway Consensus.

Results:  there were four domains: Catalyzing change; Leadership; Planning; and Partnerships. These domains resulted from health education actions, contribution of management nursing practitioners, seeking to meet patients’ needs and articulation of professional sectors.

Final considerations:  there were some skill domains in the speeches of health practitioners, with the nurse being quoted in the development of essential skills for health promotion activities, such as catalyzing change and leading care for TB patients.

Descriptors: Health Promotion; Tuberculosis; Primary Health Care; Health Personnel; Comprehensive Health Care

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