Open-access Measuring suicide risk in the elderly with non-institutionalized depression: an integrative review

Evaluación del riesgo suicida en el anciano con depresión no institucionalizado: revisión integrativa


Objective:  Analyze the state of the art about instruments, at national and international levels, for assessing the risk of suicide in elderly people with depression assisted in the community.

Methods:  Integrative review of 38 complete articles, published in journals indexed in the databases: US National Library of Medicine (PubMed Central), Scopus, CINAHL and Web of Science, located using controlled descriptors combined with Boolean operators: elderly OR aged OR older OR elder OR geriatric AND depression AND suicide AND risk assessment.

Results:  Six instruments were found, all international and published in the English language, in order to identify suicidal behavior and ideation in the elderly. Of these, two are specific scales for assessing the risk of suicide in the elderly in the community: 5-item GDS subscale and Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale.

Final considerations:  With the scarcity of national instruments to assess such risk, research is recommended to cross-culturally adapt one of these scales to the Brazilian Portuguese language.

Descriptors: Elderly; Suicide; Depression; Psychiatric Status Rating Scales; Mental Health


Objetivo:  Analizar el estado del arte acerca de los instrumentos, en ámbitos nacional e internacional, de evaluación del riesgo suicida en ancianos con depresión asistidos en la comunidad.

Métodos:  Revisión integrativa de 38 artículos completos, publicados en periódicos indexados en las bases de datos: US National Library of Medicine (PubMed Central), Scopus, CINAHL y Web of Science, localizados mediante descriptores controlados combinados con operadores booleanos: elderly OR aged OR older OR elder OR geriatric AND depression AND suicide AND risk assessment.

Resultados:  Se localizaron seis instrumentos, todos internacionales y publicados en lengua inglesa, con objetivo de identificar comportamiento e ideación suicida en ancianos. De estos, dos son escalas específicas para evaluación del riesgo suicida en ancianos en la comunidad: 5-item GDS subscale y Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale.

Consideraciones finales:  Con la escasez de instrumentos nacionales para evaluar tal riesgo, se recomienda investigación para adaptar transculturalmente una de esas escalas a la lengua portuguesa brasileña.

Descriptores: Anciano; Suicidio; Depresión; Escalas de Valoración Psiquiátrica; Salud Mental


Objetivo:  Analisar o estado da arte acerca dos instrumentos, em âmbitos nacional e internacional, de avaliação do risco de suicídio em idosos com depressão assistidos na comunidade.

Métodos:  Revisão integrativa de 38 artigos completos, publicados em periódicos indexados nas bases de dados: US National Library of Medicine (PubMed Central), Scopus, CINAHL e Web of Science, localizados mediante descritores controlados combinados com operadores booleanos: elderly OR aged OR older OR elder OR geriatric AND depression AND suicide AND risk assessment.

Resultados:  Localizaramse seis instrumentos, todos internacionais e publicados na língua inglesa, com objetivo de identificar comportamento e ideação suicida em idosos. Destes, dois são escalas específicas para avaliação do risco de suicídio em idosos na comunidade: 5-item GDS subscale e Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale.

Considerações finais:  Com a escassez de instrumentos nacionais para avaliar tal risco, recomenda-se pesquisa para adaptar transculturalmente uma dessas escalas à língua portuguesa brasileira.

Descritores: Idoso; Suicídio; Depressão; Escalas de Graduação Psiquiátrica; Saúde Mental


In Brazil, projections indicate that the number of elderly people will equal the number of young people in 2031 and that there will be approximately 70 million people in 2055(1), scenario that ignites the need for health professionals trained to this new epidemiological profile. In this context, mental illnesses that predominantly compromise quality of life in senescence, through the impairment of cognitive function and functional capacity, stand out(2).

The changes arising from the aging process, both physiological and pathological, can contribute to the development of depression in the elderly(3), today considered a public health problem that affects about 154 million people worldwide. Studies indicate an increased incidence of depression among the elderly and a significant association with age, race and physical activity(4).

The clinical manifestations of depression in old age when compared to those of adults are not so evident, as they involve biological, psychological and social aspects, often related to changes in lifestyle(5-6) and impaired functional capacity(7).

In addition, when depression is associated with chronic diseases, morbidity and mortality increase, causing psychological and financial burden for the individual, family and health system(8). In such a scenario, it is worth highlighting the greater vulnerability of this population to chronic diseases and to the losses and negative events accumulated throughout life(7), that, associates, leverage suicide rates(9).

It is estimated, in the elderly, one death for every four suicide attempts in the world, with a multifactorial etiology, resulting from the combination of physical, mental and social morbidities. Psychotherapy is less requested in the elderly than in younger population groups(7). Thus, satisfactory achievement in prevention actions should aim at reducing suffering, active participation in society and the search for autonomy. The establishment of links with the health team, the Singular Therapeutic Project and intersectoriality are fundamental strategies for carrying out the actions(10).

In Brazil, suicide mortality prevails in the elderly over 70 years old (8.9 / 100 thousand inhabitants), compared to all other age groups. It should be noted that in the elderly aged 60 to 69, the rate is 7.7 / 100 thousand inhabitants(11).

Taking into account the phenomenon of population aging, the difficulty presented by health services in the diagnosis of depression and the increased incidence of suicide among elderly people, it is understood the need to equip health professionals to track the risk of suicide in the elderly with depression assisted in the community.


Analyze the state of the art about instruments, at national and international levels, for assessing the risk of suicide in elderly people with depression assisted in the community.


Integrative review(12), with the following outlining question: What instruments are validated nationally and internationally to assess suicide risk of elderly people with depression assisted in the community?

The sample was selected through access to the databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), US National Library of Medicine (PubMed Central), Scopus, Current Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL ) and Web of Science (WoS), without determining a specific search field (article title; abstract; keywords...), but opting for all fields. Controlled descriptors combined with Boolean operators, used in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), were used as search strategy: elderly OR age OR older OR elder OR geriatric AND depression AND suicide AND risk assessment. In the LILACS database, the Portuguese equivalence of the descriptors was employed. The inclusion criteria were: complete articles with abstracts and related to the research object, without language restrictions, originating from national and international journals, indexed in the referred databases, from January 2012 to December 2019.

Six articles from CINAHL, 20 articles from PubMed, nine articles from Web of Science and three from Scopus were selected, resulting in a final sample of 38 articles (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Sample constitution flowchart

After selecting the articles, the title and abstract were carefully read; then, those who did not answer the guiding question and who were repeated between databases were excluded. For the analysis and subsequent synthesis of articles that met the inclusion criteria, an instrument for data collection was elaborated that included data related to the publication, the database, the objectives and the main conclusions.

It should be noted that the research was classified according to the levels of evidence proposed by Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt(13).


The search result showed a sample with all articles in the English language, and the country that contributed most was the United States of America - USA. North America was the most cited continent, followed by Asia, Europe and Oceania. The years 2012, 2015 and 2016, together, concentrated the majority of publications, as can be seen in Chart 1.

Chart 1
Characterization of the corpus of articles that adopted the assessment of suicide risk among the elderly in the community as the object of study, according to title, objectives and main results, published from 01/01/2012 to 12/31/2019, in journals indexed in the PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL and Scopus databases, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, 2019

In this study, a prevalence of 45.8% of depression was found(14) and 6.3% of suicide among elderly people in the community(14). This latter rate, associated with socio-cultural factors, presence of chronic diseases, previous and current mental health status, physical health status and degree of autonomy(14-26). Although research shows that individuals with depression are more susceptible to suicide(23), the event may incur people without mental illness(27).

Drug treatment of depressive disorder in the elderly is considered complex, as it involves social and environmental issues and the presence of pre-existing comorbidities. Thus, psychotherapy and non-drug approaches are ways to be considered(28), emphasizing that psychosocial interventions contribute significantly to improvement in symptoms of sub-syndromic depression and anxiety(29) and, consequently, in the frailty of the elderly(30).

Primary Health Care (PHC) plays an essential role in coping with suicide in old age, given its ability to detect and treat depression earlier(31). To the satisfaction, there is a need to improve the assessment of suicide risk among patients with a history of depression, in addition to the inclusion of strategies for the assessment and prevention of suicidal ideas(31). In this context, most suicide cases are not discussed in medical appointments(32), demanding a systematic approach(33), with the use of effective screening tools(34).

By analyzing the 38 articles, six instruments were found to assess and identify suicidal behavior and ideation. Of the instruments, only two were considered specific scales for assessing the risk of suicide in elderly people in the community: 5-item GDS subscale and Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale (Chart 2).

Chart 2
Suicide risk assessment instruments with psychometric measures and level of evidence, according to authors, title, journal and year of publication, indexed in the Databases (PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, SCOPUS), from 01/01/2012 to 12/31/2019, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, 2019

The Columbia - Suicide Severity Rating Scale has a high level of scientific evidence, but there are no studies with psychometric assessment data needed for assessment instruments.

About the 5-item GDS subscale, it consists of five questions extracted from the Geriatric Depression Scale (items 3, 7, 11, 12 and 14), which consists of 30 items, according to the psychometric data presented in the Chart 1. It can be concluded that it presents regular psychometric aspects, mainly considering its internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha - 0.68), which does not guarantee the measurement quality of the object to be measured. In addition, this scale has not been validated for assessing suicide risk in Brazil(35).

The Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale aims to multi-dimensionally assess suicidal ideation and related factors in the elderly. The evaluation of psychometric indices was not accessible, and the referred instrument is not translated into Portuguese nor validated for use in Brazil(36).


Suicide-specific prevention and care actions are still scarce in Brazil, requiring measures to expand and qualify health professionals. In addition, there is a need for social change with a break of paradigms about the theme, in order to reduce the stigma and prejudice still present(37).

Nowadays, suicide is a worldwide phenomenon, representing 1.4% of all deaths. Despite the low investigation of the theme in Brazil, the records of suicide attempts in individuals aged 60 years or over represent 2.9% in women and 5.7% in men, with the highest rates in the age group of 70 years or more(38).

The scenario highlights the need for investment in hospitality, psychosocial therapies, conversation circles, among other strategies, which work as a protective measure against suicide, through the space of listening and welcoming the elderly(39). Study emphasizes the importance of therapeutic actions, showing that individuals who receive psychosocial intervention and monitoring by the health team have up to ten times less chance of new attempts(40).

The professionals who make up primary care need to receive better qualification and professional preparation, so that they can identify suicidal behaviors and ideation; in addition, there is a need to expand and strengthen the care network through the previously mentioned therapeutic strategies. Finally, it is necessary to strengthen the care network through matrix support and systematic action, involving the user, family and home context(41-42).

In view of this scenario, since 2014 the suicide attempt has become an item of mandatory notification in Brazil, by Ordinance 1271, to trigger the monitoring of the case and ensure the reception and provision of necessary care. It is worth mentioning the creation of the Psychosocial Care Network (Ordinance 3088/2011), with the objective of expanding access to psychosocial care, promoting coordination between services and regulating / organizing the demands and flows of assistance(38).

In 2019, the Ministry of Health launched an agenda of strategic actions, with the objective of improving notifications and expanding and qualifying assistance. This agenda is composed of three axes: I - Monitoring and qualification of information; II - Suicide prevention and health promotion and III - Management and care. These actions are expected to reduce suicide attempts and deaths(11).

There was a shortage of instruments constructed and validated, even internationally, for tracking the risk of suicide in elderly people with depression in the community; and there is no version with cross-cultural translation into Brazilian Portuguese.

The lack of assessment instruments makes it difficult for professionals, especially PHC, to act as ordering agents within the Health Care Networks, causing failures in comprehensive health care for this vulnerable population. About this, there is a study reiterating the importance of questionnaires and interviews in order to detect early depressive symptoms in the elderly, which are important in clinical practice(41).

Despite the inexistence in Brazil of a specific and validated instrument for assessing suicide risk among elderly people in the community, a study proposes a method for assessing ideation. This consists of four cards and / or scripts: 1 - Identification sheet; 2 - Interview script; 3 - Complete interview with family member; 4 - Script of interview with professionals who work in care and care for the elderly. To use the method, it was necessary to train a team of researchers, who evaluated it positively as a strategy, but suggesting other studies to confirm its effectiveness(43).

In this same perspective, in 2014, the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry (BAP) started to guide the use of a series of questions for assessing and screening the risk of suicide in the elderly, however there is no information on their effectiveness for identification and tracking of suicide. It should also be noted that such questions are of use for the general population, not covering any specific population group(44).

Research in emergency service records concluded that investments are needed in the construction of suicide risk assessment instruments in order to obtain a more systematic assessment, comprising the various points related to ideation(45). Another study corroborates the importance of instrumentalization of professionals, in order to guarantee the early detection of the risk of suicide, guaranteeing the elderly security and comfort to deal with the transformations arising from this phase of life(46).

Study limitations

The integrative review is an important scientific method and capable of showing the state of the art of the studied theme, although some study may not have been included in the research, taking into account the inclusion criteria.

Contributions to the field of Nursing

Considering the role of Nursing in PHC for the prevention of suicide of the elderly in the community, this research points to the need to build and validate an instrument capable of supporting nurses and other members of the health team in tracking elderly at risk.

To the satisfaction, as well as Nursing, the other professionals of the inter-professional team in the health area must be trained and instrumentalized with regard to the theme, due to the signs and symptoms of depression for the risk of suicide, in an elderly population, go unnoticed in PHC services, preventing, in turn, diagnosis and effective actions in a timely manner.


Suicide is growing every day in the world, in all population groups, including the elderly, associated with several factors (sociocultural, presence of chronic diseases, previous and current mental health status, physical health status and degree of autonomy). In this context, the importance of the performance of health teams, especially PHC, is highlighted, with greater proximity and spaces for preventive strategies for suicide.

Therefore, the present study showed that the instruments for assessing the risk of suicide in the elderly are an object of little exploration, both at the national and international levels. In addition, there was an absence of research from Brazil or from other countries in South America, which signals a knowledge gap and, therefore, reinforces the importance of research and studies in the area.

Finally, considering the national population aging and its epidemiological profile, it is recommended to cross-culturally adapt, for the Brazilian Portuguese language, one of the two specific scales for assessing the risk of suicide in the elderly in the community: 5-item GDS subscale e Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale.


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Edited by

  • EDITOR IN CHIEF: Antonio José de Almeida Filho
  • ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Fátima Helena Espírito Santo

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Oct 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    20 Apr 2020
  • Accepted
    28 June 2020
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil
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