Open-access Vulnerability factors associated with HIV/AIDS hospitalizations: a case-control study

Factores de vulnerabilidad asociados a la hospitalización del VIH/SIDA: estudio de control de casos


Objectives:  to identify the association between HIV/AIDS hospitalizations and factors that integrate individual, social, and programmatic vulnerabilities.

Methods:  a case-control study conducted in 2014 in a municipality in the state of São Paulo. “Cases” included people living with HIV (PLHIV) hospitalized and “control” those who were outpatients. Interviews were conducted using a tool with sociodemographic variables, clinical characteristics and other vulnerabilities. Data were analyzed by conditional logistic regression.

Results:  fifty-six cases and 112 control participated. Risk factors for HIV hospitalization were: unemployed and retired individuals; homeless people; non-antiretroviral users; individuals who did not regularly attend returns. Access to social workers was a protective factor for hospitalization.

Conclusions:  this research contributed to measure the social, individual and programmatic vulnerabilities that interfere with HIV worsening and, consequently, unfavorable outcome such as hospitalization.

Descriptors: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Vulnerable Populations; Hospitalization; Delivery of Health Care; Public Health

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