Open-access Risk and protective factors for sudden infant death syndrome

Factores de riesgo y de protección para la síndrome de la muerte súbita del lactante


Objectives:  To verify the occurrence of the risk and protective factors for sudden infant death syndrome during nursing consultation.

Methods:  Retrospective cohort study conducted based on medical records from a primary care unit in the municipality of São Paulo. The sample consisted of 63 infants assisted from January to December 2016.

Results:  The average age of infants was 3.2 months. The main risk factors identified were the presence of soft objects in the crib (93.6%) and bed sharing (58.7%). Predominant protective factors were breastfeeding (95.2%) followed by updated immunization (90.5%).

Conclusions:  Risk and protective factors for sudden infant death syndrome were identified in the study sample, indicating the importance of addressing the issue with families of children under 1 year of age to prevent the occurrence of such events.

Descriptors: Sudden Infant Death; Risk Factors; Office Nursing; Pediatric Nursing; Child Care; Sleep

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