Open-access Healthcare professionals’ perception of mental health in primary care

Percepción de los profesionales de salud sobre salud mental en la Atención Básica


Objective:  To characterize the mental health care provided in Primary Care from the perception of health professionals in the cities to the 5th Regional Health Center of the state of Paraná.

Method:  An exploratory qualitative research. Participants were 121 health professionals working in primary care in the 20 cities of 5th Regional Health Center of the state of Parana. Twenty-two focus groups were recorded, transcribed and analyzed by content analysis.

Results:  Five thematic categories emerged, of which two were analyzed in this study: actions that professionals consider to be mental health actions; mental health actions developed by Primary Care professionals.

Final Considerations:  Despite of the indications of inclusion of mental health actions in Primary Care, this relationship is still occasional and unplanned. Policies that foster this interaction from a psychosocial perspective are needed.

Descriptors: Primary Health Care; Mental Health Services; Health Personnel; Mental Health; Delivery of Health Care

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