Open-access Maternal care in the preterm child’s family context: A comprehensive look towards the sibling

Cuidado materno en el contexto familiar del prematuro: una mirada integral hacia el hermano


Objective:  To analyze maternal care for siblings of preterm babies hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Method:  Qualitative research using symbolic interactionism as a theoretical reference and narrative research as a methodological reference. Ten mothers were surveyed through semi-structured interviews.

Results:  Three thematic units emerged from the analysis of data: “social support in the sharing of child care”; “promotion of adaptation to the arrival of a sibling” and “maternal feelings and coping”.

Final considerations:  Care for the premature child’s sibling is developed under mothers’ physical distance from him/her, justified by the need to remain close to the premature child due to risks and fragility related to the condition.

Descriptors: Infant, Premature; Child Care; Intensive Care Units, Neonatal; Mother-Child Relations; Maternal Behavior

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