Open-access (Dis)continuation of care of the pre-term newborn at the border

(Des)continuidad del cuidado al recién nacido prematuro en una región de frontera


Objectives:  to understand how continuation of care for the preterm newborn in the health care network at the border.

Methods:  the Grounded Theory was the methodological framework. Data were collected through 17 semi-structured interviews between July 2016 and March 2017.

Results:  “Describing the structure and functioning of the Child Nutrition Center” represents the context; “Experiencing and signifying premature birth” are the causal conditions; “Identifying conditions that intervene in the process of continuation of care for the preterm newborn” are the intervening conditions; “Ensuring continuation of care for the preterm newborn” are strategies; “Identifying (dis)continuation of care flows for the preterm newborn at the border” are the study’s consequences and phenomenon.

Final Considerations:  there is a need to plan referral and counter-referral flows of the preterm newborn and the commitment of public health managers to ensure continuation of care.

Descriptors: Child Care; Nursing; Premature Newborn; Border Health; Public Health

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